Sick of Nicki

I get it, they wanted to add some urban street smart femininity to the show. Fine. Whatever. But it's just bad. It's so inauthentic. "My boyfriend at the prom held up the flower store he got my corsage from." Yeah, I'm sure. It's almost as bad as Jessica Alba was in "Honey." I've been watching the show from the start, and I will continue to do so because I still like Charlie, but if she starts to say "frontin'" I'm taking it off my DVR!

"Love all; trust a few; do wrong to none." - William Shakespeare


Yes I'm glad I'm not the only one! Why can't Liz, David and Colby be the permanents on Don's team. It pisses me off that they are "rotating" Colby, Liz and Nicki


They need to thin out the characters a bit. The show seems cluttered - they need to get rid of one or two. It would either be Liz or Nicki.


yeah, her scenes/dialouge are pretty much completly unwatchable

I'm just trying to do this jig-saw puzzle
Before it rains anymore


The thing I find so ridiculous is that in last week's episode they had her fall for that computer hacker which IMO was COMPLETELY out of character for her usual street tough personna. They have guys hit on her often which I don't get because I think she kind of looks like a shoe.

"Love all; trust a few; do wrong to none." - William Shakespeare


Yeah I was trying to watch the whole series but now that they brought her on I think I will just stick with the first few seasons.


The actress tries too hard to be "street" and it comes across as totally fake. Also, I find her big mane of hair super distracting. I keep saying to myself that there's no way any female in law enforcement would have that much hair swirling around her face and not have it pulled back in a ponytail or something.

You know who would be great in the role and would come across as a real FBI agent and not some wannabe poser? Regina King. She would be great in this part.


I agree with you. I rolled my eyes when she said that.


I agree. I feel like she's SUCH a bad fit for the show that sometimes it's really hard for me to watch her...


What I dislike about the character is that they can't decide if she is the rookie kid or the street smart ex-cop and it ends up as a mess since she can't be both. It's also ridiculous to have her being so gung-ho and be allowed to be in the FBI (and if she clings to these ways, why would she even chose to leave the LAPD in the first place?).

Derek Morgan in 'Criminal Minds' is a good example of the ex-cop Fed. He has the street smarts but he's also aware of FBI procedure and very much an FBI agent. They're trying too hard to make Nikki cool and have 'spunk' and it just doesn't work.

"I always pretend to root for Gryffindors but, secretly, I love my Slytherin boys."~ Karen, W&G


Oh my! So glad I found more of you guys! I hate Nicki from the bottom of my heart and then some! She is just bad and on top of it she is just butt ugly!
Love the rest of the guys, though, so I'll keep wathing.
And btw: Navi Rawat is one of the most beautiful and interesting women on TV!!


I am convinced that she is the reason why the show is going under.


She's just God awful....horrendous! I don't know who I hate more Nicki or Amita?!...It might be Nicki and you don't know how hard that was to say because Amita is effing boring!

24:"We're going to get our asses kicked! We didn't have a breakfast!"-The Venture Brothers.
