MovieChat Forums > Sweet Land (2008) Discussion > Is 'Inge' supposed to be a norwegian wom...

Is 'Inge' supposed to be a norwegian woman?

First of all, "Inge" is a name reserved for MEN. "Inga" or "Inger" would be a female name. Second, the "norwegian" she is talking in the beginning of the trailer is the worst I ever heard, completely not understandable. She even uses the german word for "no", "nein", istead of the norwegian "nei".

Jan Ingar (yes, Ingar is a male name), a native norwegian.



Did ANYone pay attention top this movie? I see questions like the title of this thread, or questions about plot, etc., and just have to wonder.

It was ABUNDANTLY clear where Inge came from and her "origin". It is ABUNDANTLY clear why certain elements could NOT take place. It is ABUNDANTLY clear why an auction was taking place. Almost every question has a very clear answer. Watch...listen...process...and the answers will be there for you to see and hear.


I know this is a billion years later, but since no one seems to have clarified this, the filmmakers intentionally had the actors use mostly gibberish in the style of various languages. The story involves a lot of language barrier, so they carried the barrier over to the audience as well. You are not supposed to be able to understand what Inge was saying because, technically, the actress is not saying anything at all.
