MovieChat Forums > Hairspray (2007) Discussion > Penny's mom, Prudy. Is she....

Penny's mom, Prudy. Is she....

I might be reading too much into this but I love sublimimal jokes and I want to see if I'm right on this one

Is Penny's mom, Prudy, a prostitute? some of the quotes are hinting in that direction (the quotes mignt not be EXACTLY right but they have the general jist of it):

Edna: It takes a lot of effort to get out your personal stains...

Seaweed: (untying knots) was your mom in the navy? *I think that's a s&m joke, if you don't know what that is, sorry for destroying your innocent minds*

Penny: (about a room) I don't even know why this room is here *I know it's a bomb shelter but it could be a sex chamber as well*

Prudy's also really catholic so she could be's psychalogical stuff


I'll address your quotes in order:

Ever heard of "menstruation"?

I think you're over-thinking this one.

Again, you're over-thinking.

People look at things and subconsciously bend them into making sense with whatever conclusion they want. I personally don't think she was a prostitute. But then again, the original movie WAS John Waters'...

I can't harbor a fugitive, I'm an unelected official!


Prudy Pinglton isn't a prostitute, she's a woman who obviously hasn't been laid since Penny was concieved.

And as for the joke about knots and the navy... that's actually about sailing technique, although I suppose it's a small double entendre.


And the bomb shelter with the Russian language book, in the 60s people were scared of the communists, especially in America, so thats probably what that'd be all be about.


You are reading WAY too much into this.

Personal stains--menstruation, perspiration, or possibly "skid marks"

The Navy comment comes from when you learn basic seamanship, you must learn many knots.

As for the room, did you ever hear of the Cuban Missile Crisis? Many people thought the USSR was going to attack us.


I think it implies she masturbates. Later on in the movie, she is going through the Bible, looking for perverted excerpts, like Lot's daughters getting him drunk and laying with him.


I have my own theory about Prudy. Her name implies someone innocent & untouched. She has a husband(?) in jail. I think Prudy became pregnant by a "bad boy" and had a shotgun wedding. Penny is that child, hence the"devil child" moniker. To a woman that prudish, that child would be truly a devil's child. It also explains her constant proselytizing.



I don't think she was a prostitute, just a hypocritical religious woman, who enjoyed entertaining people.

As for your quotes:

Edna: It takes a lot of effort to get out your personal stains...

This was followed by a sharp look, and Prudy: I'm sure I don't know what you're talking about.

I firmly feel that this is her basically saying, "No, I don't entertain people in that way. Well, I do. But don't tell anyone." ;)

Seaweed: (untying knots) was your mom in the navy? *I think that's a s&m joke, if you don't know what that is, sorry for destroying your innocent minds*

Bondage. With sailors. ;)

Penny: (about a room) I don't even know why this room is here *I know it's a bomb shelter but it could be a sex chamber as well*

Nothing really to do with sex, but a fear of communist as another person dictated.

Hope I helped. :D

Wanna get laid?
Crawl up a chicken's ass and wait.


"Edna: It takes a lot of effort to get out your personal stains..."

Just a way of reminding Prudy that she is the same as everyone else, along the lines of the old saying about the people who think their sh*t doesn't stink like everyone else's.


Penny's mom is crazy.


I think the knot tying was emphasis on stiff and bitchy Prudy was perceived to the kids.

Sit down, Shut up or I'll throw my stiletto at you.


Personal stains is just what she said, Prudy wasn't keeping her va-jayjay clean and leaving gunk in her undergarments...
