Obesity, unlike race, both CAN and SHOULD be changed !
I am OK with people being different, I am NOT OK when other people's choices costing me money (through the skyrocketed healthcare costs). I am not saying it's easy to stay lean, and that metabolism is not greatly affected by ones genes, however it can be done.
Some people, myself including, put a great effort to stay bellow 25 BMI, and due to their body complexion & genes, they still have problems losing enough weight & stop being overweight. However, at least they put a true effort into this, they check news and upon hearing that drinking sugary soda pop (and even juices) is a speedy way to gain weight, and they avoid it. They also steer away from ice-cream & pies for deserts, & instead, for deserts, start eating fruits, low-fat yogurt & high-fiber cereals.
Then there are people, like my obese former roommate. He complained that fat people are discriminated against, & that he can't do anything about it due to his genes. However, then he buys cases upon cases of classic coke. I ask him, why can't he at least buy diet variety, he answers that sugar substitute is harmful for the health. And this may be true, but before that sugar substitute would harm him, his extreme weight would harm his health ten times over! Besides, why not drink water, or sugar-free tea instead ?
Anyway, I can sympathize with overweight people, since it may be just their genetic baggage, and while in an ideal world anybody can get fit, with the stressors of the real world, those 10-20 extra pounds may be extremely difficult to loose.
On the other hand, except for perhaps some rare illnesses, any obese person can become merely overweight had they just stop eating those cakes & gulping that coke! And I am not talking about crash diets here, just consistently & permanently putting a reasonable effort to control ones weight !
Finally, big may be beautiful to some people, but it's certainly not pretty to the taxpayer who has to foot their BIG healthcare bill !