Elijah- yummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmy. James- good looking AS EVER. My gosh, is he one of the best looking men in HW these days, or what.
Zac- he was the traditional good looking guy. But he looked a lot better here than in HSM, acted better too. Maybe HSM doesn't suit him. I wonder why people who can act choose movies where all they have to do is giggle and sing completely pointless songs (like Zac in HSM)
Many things can be preserved in alcohol. Dignity isn’t one of them.
Oh, I completly agree. This was the first movie I saw James Marsden in and when he made his apperance I think my mouth dropped. I do like Zac in this movie but James Marsden is GORGEOUS. I also really like Elijah Kelly in this too.