Could't hate the guy

Hayley was a complete psycho you-know-what! As for Jeff, there wasn't enough back story on him and his corrupt life to make me dislike him. I felt incredibly sorry for him and was wishing throughout the whole movie that he would end up getting away and killing her! She was so annoying and I had zero sympathy for her. There were many parts where I thought that he was innocent because it was never clearly pointed out that, yes, he is a pedophile until Hayley opens the vault. We are basically just told he is a pedophile and that's it. That isn't enough to hate him especially when he comes across as a sweet and apologetic man who was being tortured by some psycho child. It should have been the other way around in terms of feelings for the characters. Fail. The ending sucked.


wow, now that's a bit embarrassing, isn't it? i am not sure if you watched the film under the influence or just did not spend enough attention, but then again why would you care enough to go to a message to write about it?

a) the film itself shows him, trying to get a girl that he thought was 14 years old drunk and have his way with her.

b) it was proven in the film, without ANY doubt, that he
- was present when an underage girl was raped by at least one guy and then killed
- he even wanted to took pictures of the incident
- had pictures in his vault that were not only questionable, but punishable by law.

c) there is a possibillity that he did even more than he admitted to hayley. hayley met with two guys. jeff and a previous one. one of them killed the chick in question. the first dude already killed himself when hayley visited him and said that he was present, but didn't anything. jeff said the same thing. one of them is lying.

and that's not enough to hate him?

oh and you wanted him to kill hayley? wow.

and finally: it sucked for you that such a character killed himself???


Deal with it


lol. good luck with the justice department.


Wrong. Him saying he was involved wasn't proof he was.


that's one hell of huge stretch. the same way you could go and say "forrest gump" just "acted" retarded or that "platton" was just an lsd trip and they weren't really at war. do you have proof otherwise?


Just because he confessed to these things, that doesn't necessarily mean he did them.

Imagine you were being held captive and you were being tortured to make you confess to something you didn't do. Eventually you would give in and confess to it just to end the suffering.


a) the film itself shows him, trying to get a girl that he thought was 14 years old drunk and have his way with her.
b) it was proven in the film, without ANY doubt, that he
- was present when an underage girl was raped by at least one guy and then killed
add: he had inside informations, only someone present at the crime would have
- he even wanted to took pictures of the incident
- had pictures in his vault that were not only questionable, but punishable by law.
add: hailey was shocked to find them and in the end, the guy had chosen to rather jump to his death, than have them released to the police
c) there is a possibillity that he did even more than he admitted to hayley. hayley met with two guys. jeff and a previous one. one of them killed the chick in question. the first dude already killed himself when hayley visited him and said that he was present, but didn't anything. jeff said the same thing. one of them is lying.


You don't have to hate him. I'll hate whoever* I damn well please.

*Is it whoever or whomever? I never know...

Just let go.


I'm not positive, but I think "whomever" is correct in this situation, since I believe it's the object of a verb.


We are basically just told he is a pedophile and that's it. That isn't enough to hate him especially when he comes across as a sweet and apologetic man

So raping and killing children is okay so long as you're not fat and bald and you know how to cry on cue and say you're sorry you murdered a 14 year old?


Who did he rape and kill?


I love this thread!!! I'm so happy that I'm not the only one holding up a "Jeff Is EVIL" sign!


If being a sexual predator (technically if his preference is for girls over 11, he is either a hebephile or ephebophile ?sp?) is not reason to hate him, it surely is reason to keep him the hell away from under age girls.
Nice that the OP does not find him, or apparently his actions, reprehensible...


Well in this case the underage girl couldn't keep the hell away from him.

It doesn't seem like he would do anything against girl's consent (so not a rapist), and likely wouldn't even have sex with consent. He is just taking photos and keeping porn.


... he wrote from the computer in the prison library.


You talkin to me?


Legally still a rapist if the girl is too young to consent.


Both characters are morally reprehensible.

Can't stop the signal.


Yeah, it's not the situation itself - obviously paedophiles are horrible and young girls don't deserve to die - but from a writing point of view, we weren't given enough back story on either of these characters. Not saying that hes not a paedophile but the story just jumps into things far too quickly so its hard to understand the lengths that this young girl is going to, like if we found out something happened to her or someone in her family or something, that would add to the character.

NOT SAYING I'M ON HIS SIDE. but im a writer and we generally try to build a character as much as we can. show them with other characters so we can see another dimension of them. stuff like that.


the thing is that within the first 5 minutes the film makes clear, that he is a pedo and during the film it unfolds that he was present during the killing and mass raping of a minor, with the intention of taking pictures and might even be the murderer.

as for hailey, she is more like an entity than a person. call it personified revenge or call it what you want, but her backstory is irrelevant. we are not supposed to neccessarily sympathise with her.
