MovieChat Forums > Hard Candy (2006) Discussion > Why would people root for Jeff?

Why would people root for Jeff?

I rooted for Hayley from the very first time I watched this, I don't know what's wrong with people rooting for Jeff.

Especially when it is revealed he had something to do with Donna Mauer's disappearance.


She might be insane but I was on her side.





Exactly. She was a psycho- but she used her issues for vengeance on evil men.


They root for him because he's a so called 'good looking guy', so OF COURSE it has to be some misunderstanding, he just HAS to be innocent, because only ugly creepy guys do horrible things, it's something few people are actually flat out going to admit, but it's a mindset people have used for generations, handsome = could NEVER do anything horrible, bald, fat, pasty, ugly, scars, tattoos = you can tell he's guilty just by looking at him.


The casting was absolute GENIUS!! Jeff is the opposite of every villain trope, not even one slightly sinister eyebrow twitch! The guy next door. his temper tantrum with the knife is low-key compared to. Hayley is a tomboy, athletic, short hair, can reprosent resent both girls and boys?). She's the nerdy kid reading at the park. So viewers really have to pay attention to body and facial language, tone of voice, the story that develops between them. I like how it challenges the notion that every girl is a fragile victim, it taps into that dark side of the psyche that aches for revenge. In the end, I think they're both insane.


Some people rooted for Jeff is to be expected, considering he wasn't proven guilty until the very end. The directing also affected that, giving us a movie that is not all black and white.

Of course it's easy to ask that OP question after the movie. But like I said, until the very end, we didn't know the truth. And we probably still don't. However, complicity in a murder is enough to realize Hayley is protagonist here.


Except from the opening of the movie he's trying to sexually hook up with who he believes to be a 14 year old, he's guilty from the word go, we just don't know the extent of his guilt in the beginning.


I don't think people are actually rooting for Jeff. The thing is, audience is aware that he has affection towards minor girls and it's wrong. However (before "the game" begin), he stated he has to wait 4 more years (meaning until Hayley is legally adult). But ok, that's neither here or there..

My point is - people don't root for Jeff, but don't wanna see him castrated for murder he may not even commuted (i'm referring to parts of the movie before all chips are down). Every normal man or woman will agree he needs therapy/lock-down/jail, but such a horrible thing as castration, before even finding out he's done anything? Of course not.


What exactly is he guilty of? Being attracted to underage girls, it might not be something you condone but it's not illegal.


you slept through the film. didn't you?


I assume you didn't even watch the movie and you probably didn't read this thread either.
It's only in the last 10 minutes of the movie that he is exposed as being affiliated with sexual predators/taking part in such acts.
Before that, all we get are ambiguous hints that doesn't really say anything and that's probably what the filmmakers intended, that you should be unsure of which character you would root for/trust. Please make sure that you have even the slightest hint about the subject you are talking about before you make yourself look like an idiot again.


I knew he was going to be guilty from the time she accused him. Sundance would never allow a movie where a guy has been tortured for being a pedo and then you find out he wasn't. They'd be worried about backlash from people who claim it's going to make people less likely to call out pedos or something. They like to pretend their deep but it's only deep within their socially approved ideology. In their world witch trials are perfectly acceptable (and encouraged) for pedos (male anyway).


Before any "torture" takes place in the film, there is absolute evidence of his depravity and complicity in murder, so the idea that it's possible to find out Jeff wasn't guilty is a bit silly, yes? You seem to want to rail against a certain mindset or value system (not sure what, though, for you're not very clear in your writing) rather than talk about the film, anyway, so perhaps you should do that somewhere else, unless you have something insightful to say about this film.


From the very beginning, He's guilty of chatting up a 14 year old online, meeting her at a coffe shop, bringing her to his apartment and allowing her to drink alcohol in his home. No sane, law abiding 30 something year old person would be caught doing these things.


The director has stated Jeff was innocent in the case of Donna's murder.


in the other post you were fairly sure, now you state that as a fact. so, what is it? link?

anyways, he was present when it happened, wanted to take pictures and clearly did not went to the police afterwards. that part is confirmed. even if he did not do the actual killing, he is everything but "innocent".


We may not have known what, but we knew he was guilty of something from the very beginning. Chatting online with a 14 year old, meeting a 14 year old at a coffee shop, bringing a 14 year old back to his apartment. Allowing her to drink alcohol. Especially when she started ripping his place apart and found his little safe - the way he started sweating bullets before she even found it........


Who was rooting for Jeff? Pedophiles deserve to be castrated.


Who was rooting for Jeff?

Maybe other pedophiles? There's a bit of a massive 'I hate Hayley and Jeff should've gotten away' mindset for some viewers, that he should've killed Hayley, he should've raped her, she should've gone to jail, all the while NOTHING bad should've happened to Jeff who admits being present during the rape and murder of a 14 year old and very likely did it himself.


Same here. I wouldn't advocate for everything that Hayley did, but she saved other children from being raped by a pedophile. That's good enough for me.


I didn't root for him but his ordeal did make me feel uncomfortable. Which I think most normal people would feel. The justice system is there to deal with guys like him.


Umm because torture and murder are wrong? IF he tortured or murdered, I'd have less sympathy for him, although even then it's still wrong what she did. Not to mention he hadn't do anything violent to HER, that much we know for sure and so that takes more sympathy for her away. Sickos are the ones who would have sympathy for vigilante justice. I thought the same thing about another movie, The Call. I doubt I'd ever think vigilante justice is truly ok.


She puts a blade in his balls before she even knows he's a bad guy...


She puts a blade in his balls before she even knows he's a bad guy...

Ummm, no. Perhaps you should watch the film again.

First off, we know he's a bad guy from the first frame of the film. He's a grown man trying to hook up with a fourteen year old girl. That's not okay, btw.

Second, she already found the pictures in his safe by that point, and connected him to murder. There is absolutely no question about what Jeff is.

Third, if you think she castrated him, you really, REALLY need to watch the movie again.




"I rooted for Hayley from the very first". So you agree with insane teenagers drugging, kidnapping, assaulting and torturing men?


Hayley functioned as a force of absolute judgment. As I said in another post, she was like a cancer, or an avenging angel. Indeed, I think one of the things that really upsets people isn't that she went after Jeff but that she didn't act like a "girl." That is, she wasn't concerned if people thought she was "nice," that she smiled at them and put them at ease. I truly think that the real issue people have with Hayley is that she didn't conform to the image of what we want a girl to be.
