What a s***** ending...

the movie was decent until the garbage ending. I'm willing to suspend the disbelief that she didn't hear him breathe in the backseat or whatever. I'm also willing to suspend disbelief that he beat her to the car, and out smarted her, despite being retarded or whatever. I also give it a pass on the fact that she took all those wild turns and his fat ass kept his balance and didn't get noticed.

.. On second though nah im not gonna.. the movie couldnt been fine killing the lead character, but it was executed SO SO badly.



not only that, but hes a mamoth hiding in the backseat of a car. How did she not see him.


See him? How could she not SMELL him?


LOL Right??

You know that MF'er has to smell like rotten flesh and ass.


I hated the ending aswell. Chrissie successfuly managed to escape and find rescue, then the retard came out of the backseat and murdered her. A good chase scene and alright film, ruined by a stupid ending. Silly writers!


cliche ending!

Metal forever.............


You stupid people :|

I knew that all four of them were meant to die in the end. They are part of the massacre. No one ever survived... If they did, I think that by now they would've caught Leatherface. Also, it was so loud in the car, how would she hear Leatherface breathe? -Dumbass-



lol u mad bro...


I felt the same way - of course they were all gonna die, otherwise, like you said, the police would be all over the Hewitt-clan.
Going into the movie, I knew right from the start no one was going to make it out alive(if the writers were rational that is, which I think in all fairness, they were)but that didn't prevent me from enjoying the movie as a ride.

Oh, how I wish you could see the look on your face...as I rip it from your skull



I'd have loved it if one of the brothers somehow lived :)

Death Awaits you (Horror forum)


I think his point was, yes, they knew they were all going to die but it was "executed so SO badly". Did you miss that part from the "stupid people :l "?

It was not loud in the car when she got in. He would not have known she would be heading for the car, as he did not know she had the keys. She would smell him, death, raw meat and blood are VERY strong, (I worked in a butcher shop). The ending was a rip off.


Yea, they were all gonna die otherwise Leatherface wouldn't still be free(not in jail) for the 1974 movie TCM which was supposed to be inspired or based on Ed Gein's misdeeds. I still have no idea why they changed it from Wisconsin to Texas, warmer weather maybe?


I think Texas because it was a rural area.


No need to be so polite. Dumbass writers. Pure and simple.


Like so many horror films, this one was written by 5-year-olds.


You are wrong. It might have been poorly executed, but it is about time everybody died. that is the best ending to horror movie. I'm sick of people living at the end of horror movies. It is about time they killed the main character and all their friends in a horror move.



ok we all know the characters had to die in the movie but its like when they got to the ending and she was in the car they realised 'oh wait we forgot to kill her off'


It's all good and well if you're sick of seeing people survive at the end of horror movies, but they could have at least executed it a little better. It was so stupid the ending, and the fact I actually laughed at some parts is never good in horror movies. (including the ending; not only did she not hear that fat ass pig breathing at the back of the car, but it also happened to run over the two only people who stood a chance of helping her).

I didn't even think the movie was that good. It's almost an embarrassment to the original film. I love a good chase in horror movies, especially ones where you think she's going to get away and she doesn't... but this movie had none of that apart from the ending, which is dumb anyway because it's so unrealistic. I would have preferred it if the others at least looked like they had a chance and then at the last minute they got murdered, there's some brutality. Instead, the girl spent most of the movie drapped under what I can only describe to be a bed, and the guy who wants to join the military basically got killed right away.

The little brother was a good role though, how he killed that sheriff however i'm disappointed at the fact he spent most of the time outside.

The lead character was quite an awful actress, it was really obvious she read the script and memorised it plainly due to the fact she had no reaction to what people said and the minute someone finished their sentence she started hers like she knew what they were going to say... It was worse than Gilmore Girls.


THE MIST does have one of the best and shocking endings ever. Her dying at the end is fine, but yes, the filmmakers seriously messed up the logic of how this hulking Leatherface could make it to the car first and then be so quiet. Also, this is completely out of character to be subtle and/or smart about killing. That said, I liked how he ran the car into the cop and motorist, thus leaving no witnesses and making the ending work for a continuing massacre.



i gotta agree that mist had an exceptional ending.
Metal forever.............



They had to all die, that was obvious even before watching the film. How does no one get that?

-We've survived yet again-
-We've lost yet again-


We get that, but what the OP and half of the people on this thread are trying to say is, it could have been executed better.


I too fely bad for Brewster that she killed. After all she did her best to locate her friends. Maybe the climax should have been shot differently. It should have been more stylish. If there was some mild daylight it would have looked good.


It's not fair that Brewster dies but Biel lived in the first movie!



Zellweger survived so you are true. As far as the "beginning" is concerned, it didn't look much like 1969 or even a prequel. But the patrol car was only indicating this.


You are a little bit crazy, why does everybody need to die? This Film was a joke, the film could have been sorted in the first 20 minutes; army guy, bro and bird, in a car with an old sheriff,... They could have killed him I seconds even of they had all been soft, it was a silly start to the film, followed by a silly end! I get it's a prequel but it could have been clever with twist ending.



Not to say it was either good or bad, but i always find myself chuckling at movies where the killer is hiding in the backseat. I mean, from a logical perspective, it's an awfully big risk to hope that your target is going to get into the car. I would love to see a movie once where the would be victim runs to the police station and then the scene cuts to the murderer sitting in the back of a car waiting with a "i may not have thought this out all that well" look on his face.


How would she not know that a chainsaw was running in the back seat behind her ... and he never had time to get in the car anyway ...


The narration by the guy in the climax before the end credits sounded so gay. It only seemed good in the 74 version.


I would love to see a movie once where the would be victim runs to the police station and then the scene cuts to the murderer sitting in the back of a car waiting with a "i may not have thought this out all that well" look on his face.

In movie, he just saw, in last moment, that Chrissie look out side and plan to escape via the car out there. He realise that big possibility (beside the fact, that even she choose another way, continue run by bare feets, he ensure he be able chase in a car, and eventually he still take all advantage), and he's too familiar that place himself.

So he manage to quickly go outside first and hide himself in back seat of the car. And it took time, Chrissie had to run around and get out, not jump instantly into the car that she just look at through window.

That's what naturally happen, keep it simple and real.


My gawd that Chrissie character is a dumb s1ut geez...what is it with these cliche horror movie characters?! Could've survived if she just ran out the front door. I mean yeah noble of her to look for her friend upstairs but after what happened to her boyfriend I'd be like 'scream all you want bi0tch you're dead I'm getting the hell outta dodge!'

Crap ending (just like any slasher flick) but she deserved to die in the end for her stupidity and I had a smile on my face when she did. Shame really because Jordana Brewster is one fine hottie!


I agree that it was unrealistic if she'd live but come on, what kind of movie is it where the lead character leaves them there to die and makes it home, that could be realistic but how entertaining would that be. Could you imagine if the original ended like that?

The Mist did have an INCREDIBLE ending to a horror movie but I think The Thing beats it by a hair. Also, horror movies where no one survives or they have a bleak ending, you ever see BlairWitch Project, REC, Quarantine, Cloverfield, Alien3, etc.

"I am the ultimate badass, you do not wanna `*beep*` wit' me!" Hudson in Aliens.


Smell him? Did y'all forget that she was soaking in blood not long before? I'm sure she smelled just as bad and wouldn't consider a different scent. Not to mention that she was running on pure adrenaline and not all of her senses are active; she just survived a long chase sequence. I didn't think the ending was THAT unrealistic.

I quite liked that there were no survivors.

"You're a woman, Harry"


the last scenes at the slaughterhouse an the car seemed a lot like the 80s film SLAUGHTERHOUSE to me.

74 Charger SE
75 Power Wagon Club Cab
78 Power Wagon
84 Ramcharger
90 Ramcharger


i rather thought the ending was excellent. better and more memorable than the remakes ending.


Way too predictable for my liking.


I dont even think i've watched the whole remake, and i've had it on dvd for years

I cant really watch movies with people in them I know of anymore, for some reason it just takes me out of the movie

74 Charger SE
75 Power Wagon Club Cab
78 Power Wagon
84 Ramcharger
90 Ramcharger


That is pretty much how I felt about a House of a 1000 Corpes.

OZ is the best show ever... EVER!
