MovieChat Forums > Evan Almighty (2007) Discussion > jesus was middle why is he ...

jesus was middle why is he portrayed fair-skinned?

the above question plz...


jesus isn't in this movie... so why are you posting that question on this board?


Corinthians 11:14
Doth not even nature itself teach you, that, if a man have long hair, it is a shame unto him?

Excuseth me? Doth not Jesus Christ haveth long hair? (As portrayed by western culture anyway)

Yet another bible verse they pretend doesn't exist.


The lack of respect for our Lord and Saviour is troubling, I beg all of you to remember "God will not be mocked, whatsoever a man reapeth that he will sow"

No one comes to the Father(God) but through the Son(Jesus), I don't know if many of you are just trying to be funny or what, but each of us should be honoring our Lord, instead of mocking him and His Father's word.

Wayne Enterprises buys and sells companies like Stark Industries


The historical Jesus is more or less not the point. Jesus is what people want him to be. For all we know, Jesus may not have existed at all. The only historical reference to him other than the gospels has been more or less proven to be apocryphal (added by a monk to an historical manuscript in the Dark Ages). Did he even exist? Who cares? The idea of Jesus is worshipped by billions of people.

(Not trying to put too fine a point on it -- I happen to believe that Jesus did live and his ministry is reported with at least some degree of accuracy in the gospels, though some of what's in them was obviously added for the benefit of the audience, and not accurate recounting of what he said, or what happened.)

Turn the question around. If Chinese Christians portray Jesus as a Chinese man, would you jump up and down and complain then?


There are many fair skinned middle easterners.



You asked a serious question that has nothing to do with this movie so I will give you a serious answer. Our image of Jesus comes from the great artists of the western world. They have consistently portrayed Jesus as a western European. If Jesus existed, he probably looked something like the Jesus of GIbson's PASSION. You do know there is every chance Jesus was simply a compilation of several real or imagined characters, much like King Arthur reflects a number of early British chieftains.



Yeah. I've seen Europeans that look more darker than Middle Easterners. White people are just so racist to Middle Eastern people, and they always complain things like, "Jesus was not white", "Jesus was dark", etc. They just don't want a Middle Eastern dude to look like them (racists!).

I've never seen them complaining at films about the Roman and the Greek empire (most of the time, the actors are anglo-saxons/north Europeans). And I never see someone saying "hey, why the white actors?" or "romans were dark skinned", in which, many of them are.

They just like to complain at Middle Eastern people, especially if an ME character is white, they whine about it. But when we have a white, blue-eyed actor playing a Roman, nobody complains (cos they think ALL Europeans must be white). Did you people know that Middle Eastern and North African people, too, are Caucasians (like Europeans)? So, of course, many of them can be white.

Sorry for the rant.


jesus HAVE to have middle eastern skin (arab like) because of the weather in the area.
the weather affect the looks of a person, today its hard to see because people merged with each other globally.

its not racism, just a fact.

back then people in north europe were white all of them and in africa all were black, middle east all had middle eastern color.

what you see today is nothing like it used to be VERY long ago.



Some folks believe Steve Carell is Jewish, so maybe they’re confusing him with Jesus. Although, I don't think Jesus made an appearance in this particular movie, not even as a picture on the wall. However, I sort of noticed God is an African-American from the Deep South.


There were no mentionings how how jesus actually looked in the bible. No desciption of hair length or whether he had a beard and stuff like that.

The reason Jesus is portrayed as white is because roman catholics and germanic protestants, and later even russian and greek orthodox cristians made pictures and icons of him that way in the middle ages.

It is those medieval pictures that set the standard of the percieved looks of jesus for about 1000 years, and still going on today.

Why the medieval artists portrayed him that way is because if jesus (the symbol of cristianity) was to be looking like a saracen (muslim, if you like), then crisitans all over the world would be appalled by the fact that their holy man was not of the same race as they were.


they try to draw him with perfect looks. and for europeans middle eastern is not perfect looks.


firstly, Jesus wasn't in this movie, secondly, if you thought Evan's character was taking on a 'Jesus' persona you are horribly wrong. They clearly state that the main character is taking on more of a 'Noah' character (you know, "Noah's ark").
