MovieChat Forums > Broken Flowers (2005) Discussion > What is the Significance of the Existenc...

What is the Significance of the Existence of Carmen's Assistant?

Why was she introduced in a way that seems she is more than a small role? Why do we have see in Don's point of view to notice her boots and her scratching her legs? What was that touch on the waist when she told Carmen that Snoopy and whatever guy was were waiting for her by the car? Was she romantically involved with Carmen(vaguely remember an interview about it)? I mean, why would an assistant wear such flirty short skirt with no men in sight except some men highly focused on their pets?

and Chloƫ Sevigny is known for picking roles that only interest her. So what is about that small character anyway aside for her to show off her beautiful perfect legs again?

I don't intend to be offensive, but I have to defend my opinions.


Carmen and Chloe were lovers, the point on focusing so much on her is to pass this message to the audience without stating it clearly.
Besides that, the film points on the sexuality of the unknow women that Don meets on his trip (the woman at the airport, lolita and Chloe) to state the fact that Don is still a Don Giovanni and so not yet completely asleep.


Thank you so very much, yes the woman at the airport showing her legs as well. That was a long wait for an answer.

BTW, just to make sure, it WAS a joke made by Julie Delpy's role, right? She was testing on him... Im sure thats why she left

I don't intend to be offensive, but I have to defend my opinions.


It's not clear, left to the audience interpretation.


I thought the older women were paired with a younger version. Like first, the mom with Lolita. Then the real estate character with a photo of her younger self, then the animal communicator with her assistant.

I got the idea that this was done as Don was reflecting on the woman in his life and their age when he first saw them. Like a reflection.

Of course there is the flower girl and the airport girl...Ok, maybe he just loves women!


I really like your interpretation, Scarletminded. And your user name is so impressive, that I just remember seeing your post on Mulholland Dr. yesterday and

I don't intend to be offensive, but I have to defend my opinions.


I don't know about an affair between them. But at the very least the assistant was protective of her. Or a clueless idiot. She brought the flowers all the way out to his car instead of giving them to Carmen.


I think they were together.
When Don was looking at her while waiting for Carmen she shot him a look as if to say 'don't even try'. It was very uninviting. Her jealousy was pretty obvious with all the interruptions she was making when clearly she could have just allowed them to talk things out. Carmen was probably also aware of how his presence was making her assistant feel as she was all that inviting to Don, always suggesting that he leave and answering his questions in a frank manner.
What sealed it with me was when the assistant came up to the pair at the car to remind Carmen that she had a client waiting for her inside and then she brushed her hand across Carmen's waist.
It was an interesting factor added to the mix that's for sure.


This was one of my top 3 movies the first time I saw it. I watched it again and it's still in my top 3. And with all this discussion of nuances and layers I like it even more. I missed all this stuff before. Now I'll have to watch again. Great discussion.


It's all up in the air, as are the rest of the untied ends in the film. That's what makes it so intriguing. That said, it's pretty obvious that Carmen and her assistant were lovers; I mean, the way ChloĆ« puts her hand around Jessica Lange's backside out at the car was a sort of signal to "back off", so to speak, as were all her sassy stares at Don. Plus, when she brings the flowers back out to the carā€” "You forgot your flowers"... yeah, pretty obvious.

Ā”Buena suerte!


Also notice how Carmen stares at her assistant as she walks away from the car.


the thought that they potentially were lovers only popped up when she came back and gave Don the flowers back kinda rudely

laughs are cheap, I'm going for gasps


Really? She came off TOO protective of Carmen and very sassy (she gave Don a glance from hell when he was looking at her legs, as if she didn't want any male attention).

Watch it again, and look at the way she puts her arm around Carmen's waist right before walking off, and Carmen's face as she's leaving. It's heavily implied before she returns the flowers.


What a shock, Chloe Sevigny plays a snotty bitch just like every other role she's played in her life.


4) You ever seen Superman $#$# his pants? Case closed.


Did anyone else think Chloƫ Sevigny looked damn sexy in that role?
It's the glasses and showing off her legs.


You could really tell she was involved with Carmen.
From the stares she was giving Don and the constant checking up on them. Not to mention that touch she gave Carmen at the car.
And to put a big exclamation point on it, she ran the flowers back out to Don as he was leaving with a bit of a smirk on her face.
I loved the tension she created.



I don't know, she might just have been a bitchy secretary. Sevigny's awesome legs were enough reason in my opinion


Yeah I kinda got that feeling from it too. At first I thought the assistant was just kinda rude to Don cause he was interrupting Carmen's appointments, but then it seemed like it was because she had some kind of relationship with Carmen and she felt that Don was intruding on it.
