Whats wrong withyou americans? Why the hell is this movie rated R? Its a family movie with one nude women for about 10 seconds....uhhhhh very brutal. Are american kids become psychos or terrorists when they see a nude women??? The rating system in america is absolutly funny.
I come from Germany an here the film was rated G!!!!
Thats means everbody....even a 4 year old child can watch the movie. And i think its absolutly ok.ยด There is no violance oder sex scenes so why is this movie rated that high?
It is not the people in America, it is the MPAA which is an organization that assigns ratings with no reasons and lets big budet studios get away with more and screws over independents.
I do not believe casual nudity should lift a movie past PG myself. Broken Flowers is intended for a mature audience but the content is not inappropiate for any say 10 - 12 year old although most would probably find it boring.
Kids see their parents naked pecially with children are younger.
I dont get it either. Also, how can a movie like the original Clash of the Titans have several scenes of nudity (non sexual and get PG while movies lke Borken Flowers get an R for one short nude scene.
I completely agree that our rating system is screwed BUT... G? come one... this is coming from the country that issues Methamphetamine to it's soldiers to stimulate them... just saying.
Don't understand the rating. to save the children? I don't think a child is going out of their way to watch a Jim Jarmusch film. Probably too busy watching rubbish like Transformers 2
The Church of Samuel L. Jackson and Latter day Snakes
I like how you prooved you are german by saying this: "... violance oder sex scenes..." Oder :D Reminded me my german lessons I had in school.
BTW. I haven't seen this movie yet (I am planning this friday) and I don't know why would they rate it so high. Maybe they thought why the hell 4 year old child would ever want to watch movie like this? I mean, when I was that young I liked animations or movies about talking dogs and sh*t, not comedy dramas with Bill Murray. :D
Sorry for upping this 2 years old thread, but I think I have an answer to that question. I think it may have been the distributor (Universal through Focus Feature) who asked for an R rating. They made sure they had enough material to warrant it and then aimed for the R with the MPAA. Let's face it, not many kid are interested in Jarmush's movies so they wouldn't loose a big audience there. But by upping the rating to R, they'd be sure to get all the pervs' attentions (R rated movie with Alexis Dzenia and Sharon Stone, yummy) who throw themselves at R rated DVD's of Judd Appatow's comedy (I'm caricaturing a bit, but you get the idea, : the R rating actually brings more adult audiences to see an 'artsie movie' they'd have passed otherwise). Its a well known fact that the MPAA rating system is nothing but a sham ever since the 70s/80s. It's nothing more than a part of the business and studios know how to use it (well sometimes their calculations seem a bit off, but they never loose money because of it: think of die Hard 4, where the studios' attempt to get a wider demo by making it PG13 pissed off the longtime fans, but didn't prevent the film from being a commercial success).
"You hear me talkin', hillbilly boy ? [...] I'ma get medieval on your ass." Marcellus Wallace
agreed, though not for the same reason. rating the movie R is dumb but there was nothing of value lost to begin with. nobody below 16 will even bother with this movie. what 13 year-old would want to see a indie comedy starring the guy from ghostbusters? the demographic is really niche and the R rating didn't change much.
that being said, the reason they gave it an R rating was dumb. today, you can see a penis in just about any R rated comedy, but labia is still frowned upon, so they cover it with pubis. just a little pet peeve of mine.
I wouldn't let a 4 year old watch that movie. So maybe that's why. Some people protect their children and raise them conservatively, and others are more progressive. The rating is there to protect children. If you WANT your child to see it, you can arrange that. You won't be arrested.