MovieChat Forums > The Departed (2006) Discussion > I am surprised that no one mentioned the...

I am surprised that no one mentioned the rat at the end

The symbolic rat that was walking on the guard rail in the very last scene was a nice touch. I am surprised that no one seemed to notice it. It seemed to be a nice touched fitting ending. Did it go unnoticed or was it something that other people did not find interesting?

Thomas Gibson has been fired from Criminal minds now I won't watch CM, No Hotch no watch


A guy kills a "rat" in the police department ... and then a big rat walks past?

It was the dumbest shot in the film.

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After reading the 14 replies to this post I just wanna say --
OK, FOLKS, YES, IT WAS HEAVY HANDED AND OBVIOUS, but the whole movie transpired and that was almost the very last segment. We all saw it coming and MS delivered. No more and no less. Move along, nothing to see here. Overall, I like the movie. Thumbs up.


I find it funny how much some people allow this one small detail to ruin the movie for them. "It's on the nose," oh no. Um, more just symbolic really. One could argue that the unraveling of any plot is on the nose in general.

And that whole (thankfully shut down) movement to edit copies without it and redistribute? No, you don't get to demand creative control just because you're cranky. How's your opinion more relevant than that of the actual filmmakers? In this case, arguably some of the best? This is where we've gotten thanks to too much fan service because of the internet (he says online)


I am a bit fond of it. It’s some very fine symbolism, lol.

But from being too on the nose to simply unnecessary, those against the literal rat clearly aren’t having it! XD It amuses looking at how many have always been annoyed with the scurrying rat for whatever reason. I mean, the fact that there was a kickstarter campaign/movement to have the rat digitally removed from the flick is downright hysterical.


I didn’t even notice there was one the first time I watched it. I mean the whole movie is kind of cartoonish anyway, so the shot of the rat is just a funny bit of tongue in cheek humour, which I appreciate.


Too on the nose. Maybe if they hadn't use the word rat about fifty million times.
