Did anyone else love it?

I thought it was a very beautiful and thought provoking piece of work.
I liked how they kept a lot of Jack Burden's narration in the film.
I heard in the film a lot of the parts that stood out to me in the novel.
My favorite parts are the romance between Jack and Anne, and when
Willie makes his first powerful speech at the fair and anounces he will
be running for governor next time around. I can't imagine why more people
didn't like this film.
Most of the words were taken straight from the classic novel.
When Willie is preaching to the working class people, it's moving.
It was undeniably great acting and great dialogue.
When young Jack and Anne are at Jack house alone,
the looks on their faces are priceless. Great acting.
On a superficial note, the fact that Kate Winslet and Jude
are my two favorite actors probably added to me loving that love scene.
One of my favorite quotes from the movie: "There are only a few moments
that determine your life and then they are gone. Forever."
All the performances were wonderful.
They say a lot with the slightest look.
I mean, who cares if Anthony Hopkins
didn't put on a southern accent, Anthony Hopkins rules!
LoL He is the best, I love his voice. Judge Irwin was supposed to be powerful and intimidating and Hopkins pulled it of brilliantly.
My only real criticim is of the ending.
They cut out some really important parts and the ending that ended up in the
movie, just wasn't the best.



I love this movie, infact i am watching it right now. I too was taken back by the amount of people that didnt like it, the only reason I can assume people didnt care for it, is b/c it is too real. Billions of people will go see Avatar 40 times but show them a movie about real people and real problems they will call it crap.

Than again, this is a plot driven movie. No flashing lights, blonde babes with big boobs and big guns. A person might actually learn something and we just cant have that. ALL THE KING'S MEN serves as a reminder of Politics of Old and Present day, and oddly enough if your not a political person, you can learn more from this movie than the out right lies you can see on CNN.

There was a quote in the special features secton of the dvd, a man says,

"A great man can't be a good man"



I agree completely with MurderFaceMesa.

A Penn has done it again.


I honestly cannot understand the reasoning behind the fact that this movie was unsuccessful. This film is better than a lot of others that were box office hits & oscar winners. Maybe it was just overlooked? To me it just doesn't make any logical sense for someone to watch this film & say that it is bad.



First, this novel is my Bible. It shook my world and my mind when I was 15; 45 years later, it still does.

Second, I prefer this version to the older version. The book is about Jack, not Willie. Except for Mark Ruffalo's performance as Adam (and that may have been scripted direction), I thought the cast offered superlative performances.

And third, I agree with you about the ending. In the novel, Jack and Anne step out into the world of Responsibility and Time, very important (LOL) as noted by the capital "R" and "T." Jack has the "burden" of awareness and culpability.

That said, I don't know if a novel that is such a prose poem, that contains a philosophical gem on every page, that introduces one to the haunting beauty of second person voice and parallel structures, should ever be reduced to film, even in the best of hands.


Yes, I enjoyed it very much, almost as much as the original.

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Love might be too strong a word. I didn't love it, but it held me. It never imposed on my care for the original. When I began watching it; that other movie melted away. It can stand on it's own as far as I see it. Ha, I had to turn on the english subtitles to understand what the actors were saying. That only pointed out how wonderful the writing was. The music seemed off kilter sometimes.


Yes real good story........However, Terrible accents...........

21st century America....The New France



i loved it also


Jude Law's narration is memorizing. His monologue about being scared to act because of change was the best part of this movie. One or two moments, gone, forever. That line haunts me. I wonder which moments, for better or for worse, have shaped my life. I wonder which moments I've missed...
