MovieChat Forums > The 40 Year Old Virgin (2005) Discussion > Should a real life 40 year old virgin te...

Should a real life 40 year old virgin tell his girlfriend he's a virgin?

So in the movie Andy finally tells his girlfriend that he's a virgin. In real life if a man is a 40 year old virgin would it be a good idea to tell his girlfriend that he's a virgin or should he just keep quiet about it?


So tell me your story.😄

Just kidding


If a woman likes him enough to be his girlfriend in the first place, I highly doubt telling her something as harmless and innocent as being a "V-word" would do her any hurt.

EDIT: I just now realized I already posted a reply on this thread along those same lines several months ago (L.O.L.!) At first I thought of deleting this post, but maybe I'll leave it up just for shìts and giggles! :]

"How could a man love anything except a blonde?"
-Captain Phoebus, 'The Hunchback of Notre Dame'


National_Ampoon - the amazing goldfish man

yes yes come one come all and witness his amazing antics


the thing is he's a virgin and he's 40 and virgin just means familiarity in the first place so he's experienced in life that to a 40 year old woman he might not seem as virginal overall as a twenty year old player... but i just don't see how this guy can be in a serious relationship and it's not worth it for short term dating and not tell his lover that he's a virgin... but they know they're grown ups too...


Well there's 2 sides to that coin (morality/honesty aside):

On one side, unless the girlfriend is herself a virgin, she WILL tell if the dude has never done it. You just cannot fake something like that. Any attempt to bluff will blow up in his face like when Andy tried to bluff at the poker game ("bags of sand" anyone?).

On the other hand, any woman dating a 40 year old for anything but his money will be expecting a 40 year old to be experienced (remember Helen HUnt's rant to Nicholson at the end of As Good and it Gets: "You're too old not to know, and I'm too old not to notice!"). Unless he's got a hell of an excuse (Mormon or some other religious cult) he'll come off exactly like Andy did at first: a weirdo at best and a serial killer at worst.

So a real life 40 year old virgin BETTER be dating another virgin or have 10 inch thick skin to endure the ridicule/explaining he's in for.


I'd say...No. Lie, make up a story, make it pathetic if you want to explain why your bad in bed, but unless she was very open minded I would not be telling her the truth.


I always thought it was odd Trish was immediately so understanding and carefree about it when Andy revealed it to her. Even at 40 years old (assuming that's how old Trish was in the movie) you'd want to know why so you don't automatically assume he's some weird psycho or something.

However to answer the question I'd say don't tell her. Just fake it 'til you make it. In this day and age you can absolutely give off the impression that you know what you're doing, given all the different sex tutorials out there. You'd have a leg up over all the non-virgins who still don't know what the hell they are doing. If you at least act like you've done it before there will be no question from the girl.

Not to mention if you're over a certain age, sexual experience is ALWAYS assumed..


I think because she knew Andy really well. He was pretty awkward about sex (the 20 dates, getting upset when she came onto him)... all the toys, etc. No car, riding a bike, how he dressed.

I don't think it was a HUGE shocker. They'd also been dating for a long time. Nobody really goes through 20 dates before having sex unless it's religion.

If you told the girl on a 3rd date, I'd think she'd run for the hills.


Yes. If she doesn't care then she might be the one.


Probably better if he keeps quiet about it. There's really no need to bring it up anyway. If a guy projects the feeling that virginity is not an issue for him, then it won't be an issue for her. If he has enough self-confidence and composure when he's having sex the first time, she probably won't even suspect he's a virgin.


I don't get it. Many has said that don't tell but what's so bad about telling your girlfriend that you're a virgin?
I mean i was a virgin till i was 19 (or 20) and my girlfriend knew it even before we were dating.


A lot of women are open-minded about an older guy being a virgin, but a lot of other women are really turned off about it. They wonder if he's some kind of closet psycho, or something. There are other women who think he's carrying some kind of baggage that they don't feel like dealing with, or they think he's unable to deal with it. There are some women who just don't have the patience or desire to 'train' a virgin guy.
