no interest in watching this

Comcast's blurb rates this movie 3 stars and says it's "uproarious". Funny how ALL the comedies om Comcast, OK maybe 90%, are rated" 2 or 3 Star, and contain the word "uproarious". That alone tells me its not worth watching and it will be full of: di*k jokes, fart jokes, and will be made for a pre-teen audience. The title alone tells me that it was written for a limited audience and will not even approach being "uproarious". I'll try and watch it because on the one hand you can't judge a book by its cover, but on the other hand, the one without the wart, I've read too many blurbs on Comcast that contain the same systemic phraseology and have leart to already know what to expect.


Title kind of hits too close to home, eh?


Lol, great reply


It's a really funny and heartfelt movie... The way out plays the main character is perfect. Sure, it's crude in some spots, but you wind up caring about the two main characters and the kind of sweet way the finally get together. You should give it a shot.


If you found this pile of dung to be even the least bit "Funny" I beg of you not to breed, please, we don't need any more idiots on the planet.


Actually you’re the idiot for thinking finding a specific movie funny means you’re unintelligent.


Check the response to your other reply, why are you defending this piece of crap film, is it your favorite movie of all time? Perhaps you should get an Avengers T-shirt and show the world your actual intellect.


So you're not watching this b/c of Comcast. What else are you missing out on!?!?!??


Not gonna watch it but will take the time to post about it on imdb...


I can now sleep better at night without worrying if you where going to watch it or not.


General tip: Stop reading blurbs on movies you're interested in seeing and just watch them.

You'll end up enjoying them a lot more in the end that way. Trust me.

No one Gives it to have to take it
