Who's Your Favourite?

I was hooked from the first episode of Long Way Round because of how fabulously fabulous Ewan is. The programme was a great reflection on his personality because it showed him to be a nice,'normal' person; He cares a lot about his charities and children and his relationship wit Charlie was a really nice one to watch, they have a great chemistry as friends and seem to bounce off each other.

This said i personally can't pick a favourite, Charlie was very funny, bright and entertaining to watch, especially on the two occasions that he got petrol in Ewan's eye's.

I am curoious to see who was the most popular out of these two.


Out of the two I would have to say Ewan.


I'm enclined to say Ewan also but a part of me feels really bad for Charley. You can see on the show that when people come up to them, they usually want to chat with Ewan or whatever and I feel really bad for Charley when he just stands there on the sidelines watching Ewan get all the attention. So I'm gonna be different, I'm flying the flag for Charley!!

Now I'm sh-sh-shakin', sh-shakin' I'm..


Eqan was great so he would be my choice. There was something about Charley that I didn't like... To me he seemed, I hate to say it, somewhat sinister at times.


We're forgetting the third person on the trip. My vote goes to Claudio the cameraman. The poor guy films Ewan and Charley falling off constantly, helps them push their bikes through quagmire and when he falls off (which is only twice as far as we know) he gets it in the neck from the other two. So, sympathy for the underdog, it has to be "Clouds"


Ur right there, bill-975, Claudio was hysterical with his 'russian haircut'. He is The real life Calamity Jane.


I agree. Claudio, even though he was barely (but paradoxically always) present, was my favourite.


Charley is my favourite. There is something very down to earth about him, he also feels more genuine than Ewan. Im not suggesting Ewan is some kind of rich brat, but I do get this sense of his PR agent secretly telling him to look sincere in front of the camera.

You can't help but realise Ewan is the centre of attention whether the crew liked it or not. But from reading the book Ewan makes the comment that he sometimes gets annoyed at getting all the attention and being mobbed; and sometimes gets annoyed when no one pays him any attention at all. As if to say "don't you know who I am?"

However, if we're also including Claudio into the equation, then I would go for the big loveable Swiss, who hardly got a mention but still had to do the same number of miles on the same mode of transport as the two leading stars!


Claudio is a legend hes constantly smiling even when he failed his bike test and got his stuff nicked!


Its hard to pick but id defenetly say Ewan....i looove him. He's a good actor and singer and he's really funny. i just loved both their faces when the "mafia" guys took them to the mine..hehe cracked me up.

"freedom beauty truth and love"


I find it hard to chose between the three.

I do feel sorry for Claudio though, he did seem to be the scapegoat. He usually got shouted at when something went wrong but he wouldn't complain which was very sweet.

Next one to say POTC isn't Disney gets a slap
http://www.freewebs .com/nb2000


Ewan. I think Charlie is funnier. But, I also loved how much Ewan was a family man and how much he missed his "girls." So touching.


When was the last time you heard these exact words: You are the sunshine of my life?


Ewan definitely.. the guy was hysterically funny and witty at times. I also love how sensitive he is, to what's going on around him like when he saw the kids and when he saw the bear get shot and how he missed his family so much. He has an incredible personality and it really is impossible to take your eyes off of him, no wonder he's such a star.. he definitely has that certain something that's hard to place..

great guy, though i got to like charlie too throughout the show, though i agree with what someone said above.. there's something about him that i don't like.. it might be his temper maybe..

and poor claudio! he really was sweet.. he seemed very joyful about everything even when he *beep* up or ewan and charlie yelled at him, a nice guy


"To know about the Giggle Loop is to become part of the Giggle Loop"


Erm I hate to be shallow but Ewan. Mainly because did you HEAR him singin and SEE him playing that guitar in ep2?! But Charley is hilarious and together they make the show. They can both have my vote.

No no no!! Stop slashing things!!


yer to true the singin was fantastic. Ewan's my pick but i love charley aswell. I didn't think he was "sinister". I thought he was a champion. But that's me.
Fantastic show though...

"choose life. But why would anyone want to do a thing like that" - trainspotting


I think Charlie seems to be a good bloke, funny and natural! Id love to go for a beer with both of them.

Ewan is one of the most talented actors around, i say this because of the variety of characters he has played! At times he came across like a typical hollywood actor! ME ME ME! But the bloke is good at heart (the children he went to see)

They are a good double act and ive enjoyed watching there journey.

Id like to see more of charlie in films instead of just his fathers films.


I love both Charley and Ewan, you can really see just how good friends they are throughout the trip, but at a push I'd have to say Ewan!!



I don't have a favourite. Without one of them it wouldn't be here.

There's little things about both..
The way Ewan is always making his jokes and one liners.. the way Charley has a very dry sense of humour.. it's awesome!

† Steph †
Spikette #161
"So does he have a hump? a hump and a hair peice?"


hey james20a, whats ur signature from. i know it but can't remember.

"The man who crawled through 500 yards of sh*t and came out clean on the other side"


Its a really hard choice. I mean Ewan and Charlie were both funny and very enjoyable to watch, and Claudio was funny at times even though he had it rough, getting the flak from them both and remember he also had...

His motorbike test in the UK - Who goes on a round the word motorcycle trip, without a motorbike license and a passport!

His bike breaking down - And having to use the red devil

His bag getting stolen - I think it was in russia


They're both great, but Ewan's my favourite


I was hooked from the first episode with the drama of getting the motorbikes then the bike company dropping their sponsorship because they didn't believe the guys could do the trip. To the episode where Ewan got stung or bit by an insect and his forehead swelled like a melon. I felt for him so much!
My favorite has got to be Ewan...the cutie!!!


God this is hard. Ok, Charley could get a bit grouchy at times, Ewan laid into Claudio quite a lot (aaaahhh), Charley had a big problem with Russ and Dave (though they were kind of annoying in a weird sort of way) which he got over - Go Charley! Ewan's down points really took a big bite out of the show, and the both of them were like 'i miss my family' in every single episode!

The truth is - they're both human, both hilarious, both have down points (yes, Ewan does have downpoints), I'm going for Claudio! I can't choose!


lol just reading this made me crazy. i havent seen the show yet but i plan to (it apparently is airing on OLN nov 1). everyone here has said such good things about it im laughing for real i can't wait to see it. but i AM a huge Ewan fan he really is very talented and i'd like to see something about him thats what hes really thinking and saying and such. peace..


What is OLN, please? I have been scouring the networks for additional airings, but have found none. I have the DVD on order from Amazon - but would love to not have to wait for Dec.! Thanks much.


OLN is Outdoor Life Network. I get it standard on my cable TV. But my dad 13 miles away doesn't with his provider. So, who knows if you can get it.

I got my DVD from:


It's Region 0, so it works on my player. With shipping, it only came to $21.


Nothing has been posted for about 6 months, so maybe this won't even get read, but here goes. EWAN is my favorite. I love his love of family, people, animals, nature, and of course his motorcycle. Besides being so talented as an actor and singer, he is a very caring human being.Quite funny also. Great looking even when he is roughing it!!! Charley, of course is a great guy and they compliment each other. They both made the trip so enjoyable. But lets not forget Claudio. He fit in well with them. He was very easy to get along with and of course he took gerat pictures. Sience Ewan and Charley did not want to film it thelmselves, it was said that they could not have found a better photographer, and someone who could get along with everyone. EWAN is my favoite, but Charley and Cladio were very important to the journey. I greatly enjoyed sharing the journey with them via TV and DVD. I Thank Ewan and the gang for making it possible.


annie_hall90 asked where james20a's signature was from, it's from the first episode of Friends, I actually think it's from the first scene.

Anyway, back to the point. I really wish I could say Charlie just cause I think he's a cool guy, but if I'm honest I have to admit my fav was Ewan, that "handsome devil".



They were both great but Ewan is my favourite. Charley acted like a bit of a spoiled brat at times.


Who the fluck cares?


Ewan is clearly the star because, heck lets be honest if he wasn't in it no one would care about it. Charlie biking across Europe on his own would interest no one. Non the less I enjoyed watching all of them, Ewen comes a cross more normal than Charlie who appears to be hamming it up quite a lot, whitch is funny since Ewen is the big movie star yet seems to be more the ordinary bloke..


I know everyone here is talking about their favorite of the 3 bikers, but I have to say my favorite of the entire group is David. I love how hard he works and manages to keep a positive attitude even when things go really wrong. His "gung ho" driving style says it all.

But if I must pick from the 3 riders, I'll pick Charley. Simply because all three are great guys, but he has a go-with-the-flow attitude that I envy.

"Starting tomorrow, I'm going to be unspeakably fatal."
