Toni's accent

I am an American and I was wondering why is it that when American's try to do an accent (ie. British or Austrlian)8 out of 10 times you can tell it's fake and they have a hard time of it. But when other nationalities try an American accent it is almost always perfect. I think Toni does a perfect American accent in this movie and all her movies as an American... as does Rachel Griffiths in hers and Kate Winslet in hers etc etc... Is it easier do you think? Just a question




im a londoner, and speak in a solid london accent,but im sure ican do good american accents than aussie bcos i think we grow up watching american telly soo much its normal.
Plus i think NON-americans actors HAVE to have an american accent in HOLLYWOOD movies, i think its matter of employibilty.Its like applying for a job in Microsoft without knowing computers.
Toni did awesome job in About a boy with her english accent.Her american accent is good aswell.


Do accents have an inherent quality that we learn to pick up on, and then we learn to like or dislike?



That's exactly what i was thinking Gooner! I'm British (moved to Canada a year ago) and before I moved I could pull off and American accent easy, I mean its not really that difficult... I think American talk out of their noses a lot of the time; sounds like that anyway!


I think that the American accent is quite fluent and easy to catch onto as compared to English accents from England, SAfrica, Australia...


The most authentic sounding American accent I've ever heard is Christian Bale's.

"We are the weirdos, mister."


Colin Farrell is brilliant at doing the American accent, he is good in Phonebooth.
Gwenyth Paltrow's british accent is excellent.

I think what it could be, is that we all grow up with American movies and shows, so other nationalities hear the american accent more than any other so maybe this is why it's easier to pick up?

I'll find her, wherever she is, tie her up, torture her till she likes me again.


I would have to agree. Christian Bale's American accent is amazing...I didn't even realize he was British until well after I had started watching his movies.
I also think that Johnny Depp is fairly good, although his accents in Pirates of the Caribbean, Sweeney Todd and From Hell kinda seem to resemble eachother, but maybe only to the untrained ear. However, I was pretty impressed with his accent in Chocolat.
Renee Zellwegger pulls off Bridget Jones really well, I think.
I can't stand Drew Barrymore in Ever After (but Dougray Scott hid his nicely, except in a couple spots). I think it might be the worst British accent I've ever heard on film.



A good friend of mine in LA, a rising star named Shawn Ryan (you saw him on America's Got Talent and episode 9 of Womens Murder Club) does a brilliant British accent (and he mostly uses his "normal" Californian dialect, it's quite something to hear him dropping into other accents in routine conversation!)

Sean Connery, on the other hand, is proud of never having used any accent except his native Scottish despite it being completely inappropriate for some of his roles (if I recall correctly, he made this claim on the British talk show, Parkinson).

My personal theory is that being more musical (like Shawn Ryan, and myself) makes it easier to pick up accents. Last time I visited the US, they were asking why an Aussie sounded like a Texan!! Answer: because it was fun to do LOL


I honestly didn't know Toni even had an accent....I never really paid attention to her biography saying where she was from. Also I never really seen her in any interviews. I found out watching the special features on "In Her Shoes". Yes I know, I'm late! I was surprised I always thought she was American! She pulls it off very well! Maybe it's beacause were so used to these American actors American accents. When the actors portray certain accents we automatically know how fake it is. I have to say there are some actors who can pull off the (British, Australia..etc) accent.
I like how Christian Bale, Colin Farrell, Toni Collete, Kate Winslet..pull of such believable American accents. One really unconvincing American accent was Orlando Bloom in "Elizabethtown". It just doesn't sound right, it sounds forced. Now Heath Ledger's accent for "Dark Knight" sounds amazing, couldn't believe it was him in the trailer!

You jump, I jump remember? I can't turn away without knowing you'll be alright <3

