In real life, gorgeous women like Maggie, LIFE IS A BREEZE!
The power of beauty, proven in studies after studies.
shareThe power of beauty, proven in studies after studies.
Obviously looks open some doors and such, but life isn't automatically a breeze for attractive people. There are A LOT of attractive people out there. The vast majority of them don't become models or actresses or magically extremely wealthy.
shareWow, some of the posters here say nothing but the pure truth, I can tell for experience that sometimes beautiful people tend to feel more rejected that a “regular looking girl”, they try to be sweet and being loved because of what they have inside and not their looks but they´ll always find people making fun of them for some silly things making them to feel stupid, sometimes even their own friends do the same, probably not with bad intentions but they cant respect you.
As for a guy? Is so hard to have a boyfriend even if a guy is attracted to that pretty girl he would never dare to ask her out for the fear to be rejected, or what’s worst a guy can tease you as well only to get your attention.
But in Maggie´s case, I think she could get a job as a model, I also wondered why she didn´t try that, I guess she doesn´t have to read or make counts to be one, I don’t know how she is described in the books but at least Cameron Diaz is tall enough to be a model.
Not necessarily. You sound incredibly naive.
shareEverything else being equal, then your proposition is mostly true.
But, for someone such as, Maggie, who had dyslexia and other personality and life issues that wasn't necessarily the case.
Sure, she was able to get sex partners and attention almost anytime she wanted, but her cognitive problems were a great hindrance.
Damn, my thread is still here after SIX years...
I thought it was pushed down a long time ago.
I hope you no longer hold that immature opinion after six years.
shareLOL--yes, your thread is eight years old and going strong. Beauty's such a hot button topic.
It's a basic fact of life that pretty girls get fewer speeding tickets, but here's what else I have learned:
Beauty, like money, makes life easier. Neither one gives you immunity from life's problems, by any means, but when the problems come along, sometimes that little bit of "extra" is helpful. Extreme examples: a loved one dies and your pain isn't compounded by horrible anxiety over how you're going to pay for the funeral; if you're on trial, juries tend to be more sympathetic to attractive defendants.
On the other hand, it's possible to be TOO rich or beautiful, when the pendulum swings back the other way and your life has a built-in handicap. You wind up being the stunner no one ever credits with having half a brain or you never meet a new person without wondering whether their friendship is motivated by your bank account more than your personality.
As much as possible, shoot for the middle of the upper half.
"Life is a breeze."
What's your definition of that? Rose's life turned out better than Maggie's life and it was realistic considering their paths in life. But Rose also had serious issues, so her life wasn't even a breeze. If you're trying to claim good looking people have perfect lives then you don't live in real life or even earth. My late God mother's good looks should saved her from the disease that took her life. Hell, Liz Taylor's life should have been drama free from beginning to end.
Clark's destiny = Superman, Lex Luthor & Lois Lane.
Damn, my lookism thread is still going on 8 years later...
Your cute will DIE eating dry food! Go to Dr. Pierson's CATINFO.ORG to prevent it!
Not really, I know a friend who is very beautiful , she basically looks like a model and she is very smart too, she actually graduated top on our class at college but then it was very hard for her to find a job, she never passed the job interview as one interviwer once told her that she didn't look "serious" enough for the job, and when she finally found a job her boss who was old enough to be her father kept flirting with her and barely gave her anything important to do, the last time I've heard of her she was jobless and living with her parents so life was not a breeze for her that's for sure.
shareAnd what was her major?