An Evolving 4 post comparison of Cache with Janet Planet
Is there a "Cache" connection to "Janet Planet???" (A 3 post message)
Is LACY like Pierrot:
"Pierrot senses an inaccessibility to his parents who seem to be so engrossed in their own professional and social intricacies"
Is JANET like Georges:
"our mind possesses the power to manipulate our historical reality, and more often than not, we repudiate the truth in favor of our own version of it."
CACHE (2005) is a film about BEING WATCHED ... and in JANET PLANET Janet tells AVI that she feels like her daughter Lacy is always "watching her."
And there's also an indication in Haneke's film that Pierrot (the young son of Georges and Anne) was also watching his parents (due to the way the film ends with Pierrot seen speaking to Majid’s son ... which might also imply they're co- conspirators who've manipulated the Georges character).
Does the CULT LEADER AVI also watch people like LACY does??? Don't they both also have a PUPPET show collection which may also symbolize or represent their manipulation of others???
Does the "TROLL Doll" Lacy is given (which she places into her puppet collection) represent Wayne? Later Lacy also places a small piece of the cover of the NEW YORKER Magazine (which formerly belonged to Regina) onto the wall of her puppet collection. Is this tiny little object meant to represent Lacy's getting rid of Regina the same way as she did Wayne?
Do the rest of Lacy's puppet dolls also represent others that Lacy manipulated and ran off ? At one point they also wear hats made out of the candy wrappers of her piano teacher ... who also had the Red Riding Hood doll ... which turns into the Grandmother when it's turned UPSIDE DOWN ... and it also turns into the face of the "BIG BAD WOLF" once you lift up the Granny's BONNET and turn the Doll around to face in the opposite direction.
Could Lacy also be a sly character in disguise like the Big Bad Wolf character? Be a clever child who manipulates the life of her mother and others as a way to try to keep what she sees as other Wolves away?
When Lacy shows up at the place where Regina works selling ice cream, note the way Regina avoids Lacy. Because once she sees Lacy standing in line, Regina suddenly disappears and is replaced by another employee. Then we also see Lacy watching Regina smoking a cigarette as she walks along the side of a road in front of a huge barn.
And still later on Lacy comes home with lots of ICE CREAM STAINS all over the front of her T-shirt (a situation which she also dismisses as being no big deal ... after her mother asks if she's ok ... and wants to know what's happened to her). Is it possible those stains were the result of some kind of a hostile encounter that took place between Regina and Lacy that day?
Also Note the way Lacy sits there "watching" as one of Avi's other cult members (who played the drums at Avi's puppet show) collects Regina's belongings for her (including the cover of the NEW YORKER Magazine that he removes from the wall ... which was attached to the wall with a piece of cellophane tape ... before Lacy then removes it and then attaches what's left of it to the wall of her puppets). Does this represent a victory trophy for Lacy? Is it a symbol of still another opponent that Lacy has defeated the way she did Wayne when she gets rid of him?
Also note the way Lacy spies on and "watches" Regina speaking to AVI from an open window up above before we see Regina leave with him. Why does Regina have the drummer collect her things? Is Lacy the reason why she's reluctant to enter the house and gather them herself? Does she fear having still another hostile encounter with Lacy?
Still another thing to note is when Regina orders Lacy and her mother not to answer their own phone, how Lacy chimes in to say the call could be for them (to which Regina responds by saying let the call go to voice mail). And this also happens right before Regina gives Janet some kind of drug that she claims would help them sleep, which also leads to the argument with Janet over the awful tastes that Regina says Janet has in the men she dates.
Is it possible Lacy represents another version of the young Pierrot in Cache and/or AVI? Could she also grow up to become a manipulative CULT LEADER like Avi one day? Or could she become an alienated adult like the Georges character in Haneke's CACHE story ... who at the age of 6 also manipulates Majid ... the young child that his mother plans on adopting ... by getting rid of him by plotting against him ... the same way as Lacy does Wayne and Regina???
In other words, was Lacy deliberately acting out as a way to get rid of Wayne & Regina the same way as Georges got rid of Majid? (By lying about using Regina's shampoo and leaving her hair on the shower wall, spending almost an hour sitting on the toilet to keep Regina from using the shower, repeatedly asking Wayne why his