I watched a lot of war films and studied a lot of wars from WWII to post-WWII to now. I wouldn't say Tae Guk Gi is the best, but it's definitely one of the best war films. If we're counting mini-series and TV shows as films to, I would vote Band of Brothers up there along with a few others like Full Metal Jacket... But FMJ was more of a satire than an actual war film.
Tae Guk Gi is a war film that is also meant to be an anti-war film. People say Koreans are soft as baby powder and just are good at math... but we learn from our mistakes and we have a bloody history. This film didn't depict enough napalm strikes. Napalm was one of the most intimidating arsenal the North Koreans witnessed, completely obliterating many villages and towns.
Saving Private Ryan was great, don't get me wrong... but it's not the best. Nowhere near it. I loved it but people look at it with too much bias. Everyone has it in their heads that Nazi Germany is truly evil. No one knew that Nazis committed genocide back then until after most of German forces were pushed back to a corner. Now, the film doesn't necessary focus on that but still; that's the type of bias and bravado this film receives. It's easy to sit through and listen to Band of Brothers characters say racial slurs about Germans because we all know what happened already. But SPR wasn't real for me. I mean, this film Tae Guk Gi isn't a real story either, just a depiction of what happened in the war through the eyes of the brothers... but Tae Guk Gi was real for me and SPR just wasn't despite SPR's great depiction of realistic warfare.