Marietta derseves all the resent, that she can get.
She could have quit the DA without betraying everyone else, up to and including her best friend Cho.
Actually, it is even Marietta's fault that Umbridge becomes head-mistress.
Because her stupidity makes it necessary for Dumbledore to sacrifice himself for the kids and leave Hogwarts!
Which is why I feel that Marietta is a very odious character.
Sure, Cho attempts to justify Marietta's actions by that her mother works for the ministry.
But I must agree with Harry and point out that other DA members had family working for the ministry as well.
However, it is clear that only Marietta was enough of a scumbag to become a traitor.
And I don't get why Cho would defend her, because her actions could have gotten them all expelled.
But I never liked Cho anyway...