MovieChat Forums > Batman Begins (2005) Discussion > Why is everyone so scared of calling thi...

Why is everyone so scared of calling this trilogy garbage??

Just look at the scared little girl tone here:


Because it's actually quality. TDK and TDKR definitely are quite cliche, but BB was more proper and focused. Still people LOVED the dark and realistic aspect of this trilogy.


I loved it too at the time, now it's trite and boring.


Yeah, well that happens with most movies that are overrated. I can watch TDK over and over in a short time, but it won't improve the quality for me.


TDK and its idiotic jokes every other scene, embarrassing.


BB had the "nice coat" nonsense.






except it is none of those things?



haha lando prawnage!



Now, I enjoy these movies, but " highly acclaimed, financially successful, award winning" are not reasons to praise something. The crowd is not, in fact, genius. The crowd is an idiot. They just happened to get it right in this case.



And... my point proven. Thanks, buddy!



He done proved his point by disproving your points. Therefore, all his points are proven from here to eternity. That's how it rolls, brother. Thanks for playing!



I wouldn't call even the Matrix trilogy garbage, and you wanna call the TDK trilogy garbage? Whoever thinks the TDK trilogy is garbage has got to have a really bad taste in movies. I mean, you can't even enjoy The Dark Knight? God damn.


What Matrix trilogy? Are you hallucinating? The Matrix had NEVER has any sequels.



Holy shit!

Amazon is selling counterfeit products!!



I wouldn't call it garbage, but to me, Batman Begins and Dark Knight Rises were average movies. The Dark Knight was the only one that I felt was really good and praiseworthy.


I agree, the 2nd film is the only one that bears rewatching at this late date.

Still, I wouldn't call the trilogy terrible as a whole. Maybe 6/10 overall, with half a point off for the obnoxious fan base.


Someone who calls the Dark Knight Trilogy garbage is like a man who slept with beauty pageant winners, Playboy Playmates, leading actresses, Victoria Secret models and found them all lacking in physical attractiveness. Of course it's that person's right to think so, but if they are unable to enjoy something like The Dark Knight, I can only feel sorry for them, because that means their standards are so inflated that they will only be able to be satisfied once every year or two.

So unless you enjoy watching movies as often as Spock has sex... I'd recommend lowering the standards just a tad.


Why would I have to lower my standards? That is insane. I watch films every day and I do find films that meet my standards. It's funny that you use beauty as an example because The Dark Knight has none.


Name ten films from 2008 that are better than the Dark Knight. Not trolling... just genuinely curious.


The Dark Knight is just like any other film released in 2008, yes at the time it was huge and I stupidly fell for the hype but it's nothing to me now, like anything post 2006.


Had you said I don't like the film, or it's overrated, I wouldn't have said anything... but when you call it garbage, I find that difficult to defend... and by your own answer I expect you do as well.


what do you want me to say?? It's like an episode of Law and Order. It's cheap looking, boring, ugly, predictable, full of inane jokes. There is literally nothing to it that can even remotely rise above crap. It got huge hype, it's just one of those things.


Usually when one seriously wants to propose a contrarian argument, they like to provide examples to illustrate what they mean. Unless you are willing to do so, I really don't see the point of this thread.


I already gave the examples.


This list is just from 2008, but if I had to pick from other years there are movies that blow the Dark Knight out of the water... 3 or 4 of Nolan's own films are better! (Memento, Inception, Interstellar & Dunkirk)...

Here's a few from 2008...

1. Better than the Dark Knight:
Revolutionary Road
In Bruges
Gran Torino
Two Lovers

2. Give the Dark Knight a run for it's money
Iron Man
Tropic Thunder
The Curious Case of Benjaman Button
Burn After Reading
Body of Lies
The Broken
Vickey Cristina Barcelona
The Other Man

So, yeah... There are lots of alternatives to the Dark Knight... I thought it was good, for a comic book movie, but nowhere near the kind of esteem people hold it in...

If someone is not a comicbook fan, it is probably bested by a few more of those on the second list... So I can see how someone would view it as mediocre, even though I think of it as good, for a comic book movie... It is elevated to this level by the performances and the high level of craft in cinematography and directing... But in terms of drama or being moved emotionally there is no "there" there... Just bring some pop-corn and go for a two hour ride... Every movie from the first list will touch you emotionally as a human being... Some will thrill you, some will make you think, but each one will make you feel something...


Respect for answering with a well thought out answer but it's telling that none of your films was an action movie, and those that were honorable mentions you couldn't place above the film. My point still stands that although it might not be everyone's cup of tea, it was far from a garbage film.


I went through my action phase in the 1980s-1990 as a kid/teen... Jean Claude Van Damme in Hard Target, movies like Face/Off with Nick Cage, the Specialist with Stalone, Terminator 2 etc... Action movies at the human level... Also anything with James Woods as a vilain, because he's SUCH a douche in the best way possible ;) ... I don't mind "junky" movies at all...

These days Asian films are more likely to provide the kind of action I like, The Raid movies for example... Or the action bits of other films like Oldboy, or Train to Busan...

In terms of comic book movies, I think Ang Lee's the Hulk is on par with Nolan's Dark Knight... Batman Returns (Michelle Pfieffer /thread... 😎 ) and Robocop (the Verhoven one) are superior, in my estimation, but i first saw them as a child... Robocop is the closest that a superhero movie has come to transcending it's genre...

I think the Dark Knight is on par with my second list as it has such a high level of craft and performance...

I know some of the other movies on my list have been called garbage by others, a bit hyperbolic, but it is just an opinion...


I enjoyed the three action films you mentioned but I found the craftsmanship lacking.

The Hulk for example I remember having him fighting in the middle of the desert. Can you imagine a more pointless place for the Hulk to be fighting? It made sense in terms of the context of the location, but it was ridiculous to have him put in a place where the setting made him look small, and where he couldn't destroy anything. I'd rather watch it ten times more than a Transformers film, but it made Ang Lee seem as out of place as if Adam Sandler directed a Merchant Ivory drama.

Opinion is fine... and as I had said... if the OP just said he didn't like it... I'd have no problem. But to call it garbage is silly and I think he/she already knew it.


>> Someone who calls the Dark Knight Trilogy garbage is like a man who slept with beauty pageant winners, Playboy Playmates, leading actresses, Victoria Secret models and found them all lacking in physical attractiveness.

That is pretty funny in its total ridiculosity. So wrong and illogical in so many ways it's almost like you have a talent for terrible logic.


Ironic that ridiculosity isn't even a word. Also it is redundant to call someone's point illogical and in the same sentence tell them that they have terrible logic.

A better example?

That is pretty funny in its total absurdity. So wrong and illogical, that I'd say you have a special gift for specious analogies.

If you are going to troll someone, at least use proper English.


Garbage kind of incites people. I assume you like comic book
based movies since you watched this. I have watched fairly
many and I would agree that they are not real movies, they are
not stories, they are fantasy escapism, and I think garbage, at
least to me, is a fitting word. Like if you are going to read,
comic books themselves are pretty much garbage.

They don't all have to be garbage, there is room for creative
expression, but the industry as it has evolved has evolved to
the superficial and stupid ... mostly humans with super powers.
It all sort of rests on the invulnerability of a hero, and so it is
garbage in the sense that no human being is invulnerable, and
if someone did something like we see in the super-hero comics
in reality they would not live long and healthy lives, nor would
they probably be able to stop crime.

But I would not say that bluntly to someone who loved
comic books because even I had that stage in my life, pre-teen
where I bought and read comic. Now they are supposed to be
adult, which is stupid because it just means there is the addition
of sex and violence, and usually over the top sex and violence.
Maybe that is the reason people refer to them as garbage.


Maybe "junk" is a more fitting word, as in "junk" food... seems similar to me in what they offer a cinema goer...

Like the 80s big-muscle action movies, or grabbing a burger and fries at the drive thru


> Maybe "junk" is a more fitting word, as in "junk" food

I'll go along with that.


Even if you're not a fan of the movies "garbage" is a bit extreme. Obviously not without their flaws theyre a good representation of Batman in the "Nolanverse" and definitely the best batman movies in a long time.


i've just read the link in the original post... Wow... LetThemEatCake is right about these guys speaking in hushed tones...

It's ok to think a particular movie isn't good, doesn't measure up, or to criticise it... and yes, call it garbage...

Far better movies are called trash all the time... From Oscar winners and cult classics to iconic films that have stood the test to time... Let's not get to precious about this, or censor ourselves... We don't have to agree with one another all the time


Not only that but everything is called a masterpiece now even before release. Also, Nolan's films are so embarrassing, they go against the most basic principles of filmmaking.


Please explain these basic filmmaking principles that, according to you, Nolan evidently broke and went on to obtain critical and audience acclaim? How did he succeed so much more than his predecessors in adapting Batman films, in your opinion?


Nolan's scripts are full of plotholes, full of exposition, he doesn't show anything, he tells everything, it is incredibly boring and unremarkable. I don't know how succeeded. He came at the right time with what seemed, at the time, a novel approach and developed huge amount of hype.
