Begins would've included Dent. And there you would see a beginning of Bruce/Harvey friendship. The sequel would of course include The Joker and Harvey Dent, but Rachel wouldn't be romantically involved with him, cause she would understand that Dent in reality is an unreliable, unpredictable, impulsive attorney obsessed with fighting criminals (especially the crime boss Salvatore Maroni, secretely he'd like to eliminate him personally) through quasi-legal means. The Joker of this movie would be a completely different Joker, who wouldn't be a political activist trying to make a point, he would just want to have fun by killing people, trying to outsmart Batman (And Maroni would be grateful for that, Joker's activities would be a great distraction turning Batman/Gordon's attention away from the mob's businesses.) But Dent wouldn't care about the Joker, he would be obsessed by the mob, not by some clown. And this is the main difference between this proposition and what ended up in the final movie: movie's two major components would be: the first - Batman/Gordon trying to catch the Joker, and the second - Maroni/Dent conflict. In the end, the Joker would abduct Maroni, threatening to kill him... Batman would try to stop him, but Dent wouldn't. Ultimately Batman would stop the Joker, who would later escape, cause Harvey would enter the scene to end Maroni's life...
It's only a sketch, but it shows changes I'd make to improve the story of TDK, which I don't really like.