Favorite sympathetic murderers
In Cold Case, we've seen lists of people's favorite complete monsters and favorite cases about subhumans with zero redeeming qualities of any kind. And so I was wondering about going the other direction entirely.
As in, what would be the episodes being most notable for having a murderer who actually is a genuinely good and decent person in general and makes honest efforts to do the right things but becomes a murderer because they made a grave mistake when placed between a giant rock and a super hard place, so to speak ? The murderers who simply snapped or made a serious mistake when placed in excruciating circumstances and whom your heart truly went out for and could sympathize and empathize with the most despite their having done something that was truly and completely wrong ? And you ended up think "this was not right at all, but I could actually completely understand it". 2 examples for me would be Rosie Miles in Fly Away - sympathetic to the point the DA's wouldnt actually press charges- and Ginny Williams in Blackout - I didnt even like seeing her get arrested.