Wes Anderson's Best Film?

I would say this is possibly Wes Anderson's best movie. Rushmore is my favourite, but that's more for personal reasons. I think The Life Aquatic is his most versatile film as it covers the elements teased in all his prior films, as well as adding more to the mixture

-The caper aspect of Bottle Rocket.
- The rivalry between Max and Herman Blume in Rushmore is similar to that of Steve Zissou and Hennesey, and the father-son relationship is present in both movies.
- Zissou is much like Royal in the respect that he is an aging fellow who craves respect and appreciation.

I haven't really given great examples but does anybody see what I'm getting at? Anyone care to share ideas?


I think it's his weakest (haven't seen The Darjelen Limited though)


What do you think is his strongest movie and why do you think so?


I'd have to say The Grand Budapest Hotel.

Amazing visuals (keep an eye out for symmetry), brilliant acting, and imho an intelligently told thrilling story.

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes? - Who watches the watchmen?


I have to say I agree with you. It's been a while since I posted this, and The Grand Budapest Hotel just yields so much on multiple viewings.

However, I will always have a soft spot for The Life Aquatic. Maybe it's the Portuguese Bowie covers.


Not just symmetry but the rule of thirds almost down to a tee.
I hated Rushmore, and didn't get along with The Tenebaums either, which stopped me watching his films...Watched GBH by accident and am now currently going through his films because I loved it so much. Really enjoyed Life Aquatic, but still didn't get on with the Rushmore or Tenebaums after a second watch.


It's interesting how inconsistently people like individual Wes Anderson films. Everyone seems to have different ones on their lists. There doesn't seem to be a demarcating line (like early/late Hitchcock or Kubrick for example). I don't know of any other writer/director that does that.

I might as well add some more confusion to the pile. Really dislike Life Aquatic. I got nothing out of it and hated pretty much every character and I think every single one of them was underwritten. And I felt the same way about Tennenbaums as pjtaylor did, even after a second watch. GBH was also my introduction to Anderson and I went back to watch his others on the stength of that. I'm ambivalent about Rushmore - it's definitely not great yet I don't loathe it. Fantastic Mr. Fox might be his best? I could probably flip it with GBH depending on the day. Moonrise Kingdom is on the plus side, probably with the best story, but not the best film.

Anderson's movies all look great, they're technically competent; I think he has a knack for endings where everything ends on a "middle C", and I even appreciate his obsession with miniatures and how he fills the frame with extraneous information. Story, characterization, and especially casting are his weakest areas for me. Casting problems aren't surprising when you continue to draw from the same pool of friends without giving much thought to whether they're a fit or not. The greatest actor who ever lived still couldn't play more than a handful of parts effectively because they are not written the same.

Like others here I haven't seen Darjeeling Limited, nothing about it interests me and I think I can predict a pretty strong dislike based on those elements of the other films I've seen which left a sour taste - protagonists' explicit distrust of female characters, hamfisted family bonding, Owen Wilson being given lines...


I love it,but Grand budhapest is perfect as it comes to narration, imho.
And moon... Kingdom is far more optimistic,imvho.

"to tax and to please, no more to love and to be wise, is not given to men"


It's between The Royal Tenembauns and Moonrise Kingdom. I love both movies equally.


I was about to post exactly that, almost word for word. I just got Darjeeling on blu-ray yesterday and will finally watch it this weekend.

I just re-watched Life Aquatic for the first time since it came out. I liked it then, and I still do. But it just isn't quite as full-to-the-brim with that Wes Anderson magic sauce. Not the way Rushmore, Tenenbaums, and Budapest were.

EDIT: I watched Darjeeling a few days ago, and it's a tough call. In terms of how much I liked it, I'd have to say about the same as Aquatic. I liked it, but it was high enough on the pretentious scale to be at least mildly irritating at times.


I think your argument is sound, though, I think Grand Budapest is the film that ties together his filmography, I loved Steve Zissou, it's my 2nd or 3rd favourite of his.


-The caper aspect of Bottle Rocket.
- The rivalry between Max and Herman Blume in Rushmore is similar to that of Steve Zissou and Hennesey, and the father-son relationship is present in both movies.
- Zissou is much like Royal in the respect that he is an aging fellow who craves respect and appreciation.

You forgot that Rushmore had that whole Jacques Cousteau theme, starting with the library book from the teacher's late husband inspiring Max to build the aquarium.


Ah yes, thanks for reminding me about that.

I suppose it is a stretch to call The Life Aquatic his best movie, but I find it his most entertaining, frustrating and interesting picture and that's why I believe it to be his all-round best film.


Indeed. I just got myself a red beanie cap for the winter, and I watched the film again to see how to get it to peak the way Bill Murray's did.
Apparently, the others who ordered it through Amazon had the same idea!
http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000BRGOJS/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_ s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1


I'd say Fantastic Mr. Fox is probably his best, but this is definitely a close second.


I'd say The Royal Tenenbaums is his best work.

But I still enjoy The Life Aquatic.

Can't stop the signal.


For me it's his best one.

Didn't think so the first time I saw it, but on 3rd viewing (with years in between) it suddenly became one of my favorite movies ever.

Generally my option of a movie will not change much upon repeated viewings, it is a rare gem that gets brighter each time you look at it.


i watch this movie every couple years. you have to realize every word and see how it all connects. its all matches and it all matters. some subtely funny, some story building and it all adds up. its a woody allen film meets moby dick.

its excellent. i just finished embarking on huge artistic projects and everything steve goes through is what it feels like to attempt it. losing some, gaining and losing more. success and everyone finally getting it and going with the flow. epic movie.

i wonder if it remembers me
the source of your adventure


I was see it mentioned as one of his weaker films in critic reviews for his other movies. It's actually one of my favorite of his, very underrated.


Life Aquatic is my #11 all time... my fav Wes.

It's simply one of the most uplifting & fun all around cinematic experiences. Its soundtrack is icing on the cake.


I personally think Budapest is his best. It's not only his best but it's one of the very few movies on here I've rated at 10.

That being said I believe this comes in right after Moonrise and before Darjeeling and that fox movie.
