It's interesting how inconsistently people like individual Wes Anderson films. Everyone seems to have different ones on their lists. There doesn't seem to be a demarcating line (like early/late Hitchcock or Kubrick for example). I don't know of any other writer/director that does that.
I might as well add some more confusion to the pile. Really dislike Life Aquatic. I got nothing out of it and hated pretty much every character and I think every single one of them was underwritten. And I felt the same way about Tennenbaums as pjtaylor did, even after a second watch. GBH was also my introduction to Anderson and I went back to watch his others on the stength of that. I'm ambivalent about Rushmore - it's definitely not great yet I don't loathe it. Fantastic Mr. Fox might be his best? I could probably flip it with GBH depending on the day. Moonrise Kingdom is on the plus side, probably with the best story, but not the best film.
Anderson's movies all look great, they're technically competent; I think he has a knack for endings where everything ends on a "middle C", and I even appreciate his obsession with miniatures and how he fills the frame with extraneous information. Story, characterization, and especially casting are his weakest areas for me. Casting problems aren't surprising when you continue to draw from the same pool of friends without giving much thought to whether they're a fit or not. The greatest actor who ever lived still couldn't play more than a handful of parts effectively because they are not written the same.
Like others here I haven't seen Darjeeling Limited, nothing about it interests me and I think I can predict a pretty strong dislike based on those elements of the other films I've seen which left a sour taste - protagonists' explicit distrust of female characters, hamfisted family bonding, Owen Wilson being given lines...