Cool story. and yet that doesn't change the truth of anything I said. But that's the entire point isn't it?
you lost the argument and so like all losers online who do, you resort first to grammar and punctuation nitpicking.
hahaha yet again another embarrassing post. ohh my he uses uncommon words and he thinks he's a pseudo psychologist. He is too smart. Do you actually think you are writing witty responses and people will be impressed by you?
lol reply promptly? you are trying to engage in classic trolling 101. next up my guess is you were going to write "please keep going this is so amusing".
its like you have a handbook from 2014 of "when losing an argument online do these things"
BTW I noticed you couldn't even address your own grammatical short comings. but like all pseudo intellectual wanna be's, you are a hypocritical loser.
lol 'blithering half-wit". the cringe vocabulary is just never ending with this idiot. he thinks he's a character in some British novel.. "erudite discourse" LOL