MovieChat Forums > Inglourious Basterds (2009) Discussion > Could have made it a classic...

Could have made it a classic...

...if all the film would have had the tension and the thrill of the first scene. Sadly Tarantino made it the usual gore fest. The complete first scene is so brilliantly written end executed. Hitchcock could not do it better. But as blood and violence are Tarantinos trademarks he had to follow his path - sadly.


I consider it one of his best films (I know I’m not alone on that), but I see what you mean. This could also be argued about a few of Tarantino’s other films. But in Inglorious Basterds’ case, I think the supposedly gratuitous violence felt justified. Watching pos Nazis (to think there’s more of them today than there’s been in decades... ugh) get what they most rightfully deserved? Delightful! ;) No need to hold back.


Yeah, well, at best, Tarantino's films have some moments of brilliance before they go totally off the rails.


ahahah aka Hateful Eight


aka almost literally every one. pulp fiction, OUATIH, Django


Pulp Fiction went off the rails...? really?


I mean "went off the rails" is a pretty broad term.. that's kinda Tarantino's MO. slow steady build up with big gory action payoff done extremely well IMO. if you criticize H8 then you pretty much have to criticize every Tarantino movie and just don't understand his filming style.

yea you don't remember gimp and kidnapping rapist dominatrix? if H8 went off the rails pulp sure as hell did too. but I'm fine with that because that's his style. I guess you guys just don't get it


where was the MO in Jackie Brown?


you don't know what MO means do you.....


do you?


Yes modus operandi... lol I didn't even have to google it. modus operandi is kind of his nature or standard operating procedure. just like you could argue Michael bays directing MO is using extremely quick cuts and editing and lots of explosions and fast moving action.

I'm done here. you don't even know what MO means


This was about one film into his era where he is obviously surrounded by yes-men. There is no one around to tell him that the scene is too long or that his music choice is terrible. I love his early stuff and even this one but it is definitely within his unchecked-era. He is his own worst enemy.
Tarantino should always co-direct. He has enlightened vision. If only Peckinpah was still alive. One co-direction with him and Tarantino might be more sophisticated.


you are dumb man. if you think reservoir dogs was superior to this there is no hope for you


Erudite discourse.


lawl you actually think you are some type of intellectual. next up Anubis will start using "in conclusion" and "therefore" lawl.

you've clearly never taken a single film class. if you think his works are unsophisticated or music choice horrible (while that last part is more subjective)

you are embarrassing. go sip on your gmo free naturally sources tea in your turtle neck while you look at your calendar of "new worlds for the day" so you can find some obscure rarely used word to try and sound intelligent. you seem to be crapulous were you drinking while you wrote this? seee I am smart too!!!!!!!


You are on your way to being a smarty like me. Next, proper grammar, capitalization, and punctuation. Being an effective troll doesn't have to be mired in stupidity. Put that turtleneck on and stop feeling intimidated by words. They are a troll's best friend.

In conclusion, I am unable to determine what your actual opinion is which means that you are a medium level troll.
3/10 is the best that I can give you. baka


omg you are trying so hard. you are the most cringe person I've ever seen here

"Next, proper grammar, capitalization, and punctuation"

lol why is it the people with no arguments always become grammar nazis and yet are the worst at following their own standards. here is your most recent post

"Gets on boat last minute.
Takes up valuable room on the boat that could have been filled by another soldier on the return trip.
Falls 2 feet and devastates melon.
Derails mission."

"gets on THE boat"

"Derails THE mission."

you are embarrassing and classic wanna be til;m critic who isn't half as clever as he believes himself to be.


It's like you come from a planet where polite discourse doesn't exist. All of your posts lead with insults and seem to have nothing below 10 intensity. As a child, did your mother hand you your sack lunch on your way off to school and say things like "You are a waste of flesh and a blithering half-wit. Be safe at school?" I mean, your sour disposition had to come from somewhere. I'd love to watch you order food at a restaurant.

Like I said. You aren't the worst troll. You're like a level 4 troll. When you get to level 8, you might be able to make people check your post history before replying. Imagine THAT kind of person.

BTW, I noticed that you accidentally capitalized a few things correctly. Oops! Reply promptly to this post.


Cool story. and yet that doesn't change the truth of anything I said. But that's the entire point isn't it?

you lost the argument and so like all losers online who do, you resort first to grammar and punctuation nitpicking.

hahaha yet again another embarrassing post. ohh my he uses uncommon words and he thinks he's a pseudo psychologist. He is too smart. Do you actually think you are writing witty responses and people will be impressed by you?

lol reply promptly? you are trying to engage in classic trolling 101. next up my guess is you were going to write "please keep going this is so amusing".

its like you have a handbook from 2014 of "when losing an argument online do these things"

BTW I noticed you couldn't even address your own grammatical short comings. but like all pseudo intellectual wanna be's, you are a hypocritical loser.

lol 'blithering half-wit". the cringe vocabulary is just never ending with this idiot. he thinks he's a character in some British novel.. "erudite discourse" LOL


I found some more gems since grammar and function and spelling is so important to you.

"I sure am glad I did, though. 1917 was great. I highly recommend it."

why is there a comma after "I did"

"1. I thought Dunkirk kinda sucked."

kinda is not a real word. its "kind of"

and yet again

"12 Monkeys was sorta cool but wasn't quite good"

sorta is not a word

but I forgot like all you losers its only bad when someone else doesn't use perfect grammar and spelling. Rules for thee not for me.


I see that you are sensitive to this. I didn't think you really were. I actually thought that your were omitting capitals on purpose to trigger people like me ("pseudo intellectual"). I see that it must be a condition so I will no longer expect standard practice from you. I understand your universal rage and intimidation better now.

The examples you bring up from studying my post history are very good. You really got me. I tried to use slang and low-brow spelling to avoid an argument. I'm such a moron. I'll never look down my nose at idiots again. New leaf.

BTW, what was the argument I am avoiding in our discourse? I can't remember. You were hinting at Inglorious Basterds (uh oh! misspelled title! You really are on to something!) being better than older Tarantino films. Is this the gist of your position? I liked IG but it certainly within the unchecked era of Tarantino. A mix of great and missteps. But I think I already outlined that. That's what set the hook.

What's your opinion/argument? Feel free to load your response with high dudgeon, red-line invective, and make it as capital-free as you like.


Another cringe post yet again. hahahaha how embarrassing man. yes because I made fun of your hypocrisy I have "universal rage".

do you really believe the garbage you write? no its not long and low-brow spellings. its poor grammar and sentence structure. but yet again "rules for thee not for me".

you are a sad loser man. im curious if you are a neckbeard with a fedora as well.


... but what's your opinion on the topic?


again you are cringe. hey when you going to stop lecturing others and start using proper grammar?

you lost so this is your last attempt lol


Yeah sure. OK. I lost. You can quote me.

... so what's your opinion on the topic?


curious which scenes music is bad? which scene went on too long?

the intro scene at the farm and the bar scene all "long talking scenes" are the most loved parts of the film by many


A few examples:
Bowie playing while Shoshona is working attheater
The Jew-Bear coming out of the cave, banging the pipe, for 2 fucking minutes.


This is my favourite work of Tarantino's. I feel like it actually has things to say. It's commenting on the justification of brutality and the reveling in that as entertainment (risky question to raise from Tarantino).

I know what people mean about his being "unchecked", but I'd highlight Django Unchained as being the epitome of his having no one left to say no moreso than Inglourious Basterds.

Each scene of IB plays like a short film, building to a climax in and of itself, while each short film contributes to the whole. It's almost like a miniseries. I did enjoy the first scene most, but that's an impossibly high standard. It's brilliant.


The first scene and I would include the cellar scene bear out what you said.


Also the restaurant scene when Shosanna meets Landa again and he's "politely" interrogating her. All these 3 scenes are my favourite (Opening, Restaurant, Cellar).


Those are the best individual scenes, yeah; I agree, anyway.

Shoshanna getting ready for the screening, though, with David Bowie playing in the background - it's not a whole scene, but it's a powerful sequence.


This is a great film and will likely be regarded as a classic one day.


I personally don't think its that great tbh


I agree. 6/10 for me.


I'd have to half agree with you. When I first say this movie, I had to leave the theater after that first scene it was so offensive and evil. I came back to watch it online and could get past it, enough to know that there was a lot of tension and suspense as well as comedy in the movie. The cellar scene was absolutely brilliant and classic. I can't say that anything Tarantino has done rates as classic in my book, but that does not mean I do not appreciate them. I just feel there is too much dwelling in the gutter which panders to a certain type of unsophisticated type of person.


this is possibly the dumbest comment I have ever read on the internet. and this includes trolling and racist bigoted hate...


the judgement of dumb by dumber is a pointless waste of time.


nice comeback.

literally all your "criticisms" are Tarantino's Modus operandi, his style, his bread and butter and what he gets his praise and acclaim for.

I am sorry you are a fragile snowflake and the movie got little too violent for your soft nature. its like complain that you like airplanes but they go to fast.


OP completely nailed it with his comments. This is what upset me so much about this movie!

Two-thirds of IG is a masterpiece in every sense of the word. (That basement tavern scene should be required viewing in any film making class.)

But one-third is Tarantino being his usual juvenile self., almost as if he was self-conscious about taking himself too seriously. It was the equivalent of Leonardo da Vinci painting the Mona Lisa and then drawing a mustache on it. He completely spoiled what could have been his Schindler's List.

Looking back, I am now wondering if the "brilliant" parts weren't scenes lifted from a different movie.


Tarantino’s films are black comedies which heavily pastiche and celebrate various forms of genre cinema, he wouldn’t even be interested in making a ‘Schindler’s List’.


I didn't say he was interested in making a Schindler's List.

The point was that some of the scenes in the movie were so masterfully done and mature that were it not for the goofy parts, it would've been on that level of filmmaking. It would've been his "mature" movie.


No but you’re implying that a ‘Schindler’s List’ is a better type of film and something that Inglourious falls short of, not realising that Tarantino is very deliberately attempting a totally different type of film - a black comedy - and therefore it makes little sense to compare the two.
