MovieChat Forums > The Family Stone (2005) Discussion > Why did meridith keep talking at the tab...

Why did meridith keep talking at the table?

Why did she do that? The dad told her to stop, he said "enough" multiple times and yet SJP's character keeps talking about having "normal children". Why the hell would you say that if people obviously don't want you to say that kind of stuff?

~Franky R.




She already knew they didn't like her, and she didn't want them to resent her even more. In her mind, had she left it alone it might have made them hold an even bigger grudge. I think she was just trying to dig her way out of the hole she was in and do some damage control. Her nerves got the best of her causing her to got on a nervous ramble and say the wrong things. She didn't quit talking because she wasn't comfortable leaving things even more tense, and she thought she could fix it by explaining further what she meant. Unfortunately she was wrong, and by continuing to talk just made things worse.

Silence is the best reply to a fool.


I wish she had NOT kept talking OR that the talking scene occurred BEFORE the family showed such hatred.
Then there would have been a point (sort of) to dislike Meredith.



She really should have stopped speaking. Not that her opinion didn't matter, but at the time, it was a little unnecessary.



Especially when she had "warned" Julie not to talk about the child's sex a little bit before...


true. but I think it's like someone else said: she saw how comfortable the family was in answering Julie's question that she decided to take a whack at it. You could see her building up her courage to ask her question.

"Do you even remember what you came here to find?"


I thought it was because she was so nervous and just couldn't stop talking. I've done that before--it's like you literally can't shut up. Plus, as others have mentioned, these people had been judging her BEFORE she even got to there house and she had seen the looks, nasty remarks, etc. with no real welcome from anyone. I think she actually was trying to show she was sympathetic to them. I bet if it had been any other guest than her, the family might actually have listened and thought about what they had to say rather than jump on them. They just hated her and weren't going to give her a chance. Period.


She knew that they took offense to what she said and she was trying to find the right words so they would understand she wasn't homophobic. She was just a really uptight person and let her nerves get the best of her.


because it was in the script


she's just one of those people who doesn't know when it's time to "shut up"

she's also "out of her realm" and way out-numbered by a bunch of dysfunctional people who hated her before they ever met her

she's trying extra hard to fight a losing battle

