Ax em vs Feeders

Which one is worse? ... I can't decide.


Feeders isn't my favorite Polonia Brothers film but I still enjoyed it much more than Ax 'Em. The aliens were cool even if they were ultra-cheap, it had a little bit of gore, The Polonia Brothers themselves are like-able even if they aren't great actors. 95% of the dialogue in Ax 'Em was difficult to hear. The only good thing about Ax 'Em were a few unintentionally funny bits.


Wow ! Six years later. Nice. I have to agree with your analysis. Although. Feeders 2 though. :)


Ax'Em is the worst of the worst.



I seen Glen Or Glenda. Its awful but amusing. Glasgow Girls and Bells Of Innocence I have not. I will be on the look out for them now.

If you want to see some truly awful films: Wrong Casa, Pocket Ninjas, The God Memoirs, Confessions of a Gangsta and Angus Valley Farms. For some reason Angus Valley farms is not even on IMDB. Its that bad.



I've yet to see Feeders (I have a thing for Jon McBride and a curiosity for the Polonia Bros, but I doubt it's worse than this mess.

Our songs will all be silenced, but what of it? Go on singing. -- Orson Welles


No way is Feeder worse than Ax 'Em. Feeders is actually fun, where as Ax 'Em is a chore to get through.

Jesus had a twin who knew nothing about sin.


I actually enjoy the Polonia Brothers' films, you can tell that at least they had a genuine love for what they were doing even if the end product isn't always great. But Ax 'em, oh boy, words just aren't enough for how bad it is.


Blood Lake (1987) is the worst.
