I, Robot is entertaining, but it's pure science fiction. Robots won't get that advanced in real life because they're not supposed to, and they're definitely not supposed to have emotions. God gave people the talents to advance technology, but only up to a certain point. Robots (example mechanical work robots, and robots that give you directions via speech on mobile phones and computers) can do a decent job, but them walking around helping the cops is ridiculous. Cops can do their job perfectly fine among citizen life, it really makes no sense to have robotic cops along with them.
I, Robot mentions the robots being slaves. It doesn't even make sense because they are not emotional beings in reality. The movie gives the robots emotions and feelings which is ridiculous. In reality robots are just computers, just because they have male and female voices and can do some jobs that humans can do doesn't mean they're able to have a will and emotions.
I realize your post wasn't a solicitation for responses, but I just wanted to point out that God's design of the brain to work off electrical impulses is much like where engineers are trying to get with computers. Who's to say they won't before HE returns.
The brain doesn't really work off electrical switches like a computer. It's a chemical device where neurotransmitters move signals between synapses. A computer a far simpler device.
True, but it's still rooted in el3ctrical impulses. The difference I understand is that synapses can reroute and rewire the brain as needed. Computers are close to that now...
A computer can't change its circuitry. I'm not even sure how you could do that with existing technology to any scale. What makes the miniaturization of the circuitry possibly is it's fixed and printed onto a wafer. Really old computers you changed the wiring with patch cords for a particular task. A brain is influenced by much more than just how it's connected and you can get wildly different behaviors from tiny amounts of various compounds. Just observe the effects of alcohol and the willingness to sing karaoke.
Ridiculous and not conforming to reality... isn’t that why it’s called, um, science fiction? (For much longer is the question.) Whatever people’s opinions on this particular movie are, it would be super boring if the robots were just mindless machines. And more importantly, there wouldn’t be a point in this movie’s existence.
But we’ll see if it happens or not. Hopefully it will; mankind has caused enough problems.
Well, for one, there's no proof of any god. And if god exists, there's absolutely zero evidence of any design. There's tons of evidence for evolution as to why/how we exist.
Anyways, leaving that aside, the brain needs electricity and runs a bunch of algorithms in the brain. Sure, it is insanely complex compared to what we are programming today. And the brain is limited in its own understanding of the brain.
Meaning, if we have a certain limitation in the understanding power of the brain, that same limitation will prevent our brain from understanding the brain to replicate it fully.
Meaning, like Turing said, there's no perpetual machine, and no perpetual brain as in a brain cannot create a perfect copy of itself. Which means the AI always will be less advanced and since it has to have some branches and conditionals and loops to pick from which are all programmed by us it can only do so much. Unless we write AI to program itself. If this is possible to do well, then damn.... we are in trouble..
"And if god exists, there's absolutely zero evidence of any design."
It's hard to imagine a more asinine assertion than that one. Every organism is a design. A human is a far more complex design than any design humans have ever come up with. Humans are fully autonomous, self-repairing, self-constructing (in accordance to a set of blueprints [DNA], no less), self-fueling, organic machines. There are countless operations being carried out automatically with the cooperation of countless subsystems to make a human work, and this can go on non-stop for up to 120+ years. The average human has about 37.2 trillion cells, which is a number that you can't even comprehend, and each one is a machine unto itself.
"There's tons of evidence for evolution as to why/how we exist."
The evolution narrative contains enough conjecture to sink a battleship. The critical aspects of the narrative have never been demonstrated. We can only demonstrate that evolution (the process itself, not the amoeba-to-man narrative) happens. The narrative that says that a single-celled organism was everyone's (and every critter's) greatest grandfather is pure conjecture, by definition.
How about you explain how animals obtained instincts, and how they survived before obtaining them? Let's just look at hunger for example. How did the first critter that had to consciously decide to eat food know that it had to do so? Furthermore, how did it even know how to implement the process of eating? How did it even know how to swallow, or control any muscles, or any functions at all, for that matter? This knowledge isn't something that can gradually happen, because any critter will die in short order without sustenance, or without the brain knowing how to initiate and regulate the function of the heart and other vital organs.
There's no time for any critter's brain to "learn" all the knowledge it needs to survive, because it would die almost immediately without that knowledge. A "blank slate" brain wouldn't even know how to operate the lungs, therefore it couldn't breathe, which means it would be dead in a few minutes. And even if, like magic, it suddenly gained all that knowledge of how to operate the lungs, heart, etc., in time to survive, its offspring can't inherit acquired knowledge, so it would be a dead end.
There's no way for the evolution narrative to get off the ground. The only way it works is with a variety of fully functioning, basic lifeforms being placed here by someone. The first step would be microrganisms and plant life to create the bottom layer of the food chain, and which would generate and sustain oxygen content in the atmosphere. These lifeforms would evolve to suit their environments as they were designed to do. Then at some later point in time, once the conditions are suitable, you would bring in some more complex lifeforms to add the next layer of the food chain, and so on. I believe that the creation account in Genesis and various other ancient texts are simplified/stylized accounts of this "terraforming" process that someone did here in stages over the course of many years in the distant past.
Oh my Darwin. I was going to reply to your dissection of my reply but given your prideful ignorance of science, I feel it will be a total waste of time. You seem to be well read but totally ignorant of any basic sciences here.
Everything you've said against evolution and for Intelligent Design is just plain utter nonsense and any person who knows the basics of evolutionary biology will be able to easily refute it.
Yet, I feel it is that adage that applies here that will save me time - you can bring a horse to water ....
I disagree. Because of mad scientists. Some crazy Bill Gates lunatic will eventually build a computer that's sole design is to build smarter, faster, better computers that can do whatever they want. And it short order we'll have a Terminator apocalypse on our hands. I'd sure as fuck do it if I knew how. I'll fill this whole god damn universe with Beserker drones and eradicate all life. Just for giggles.