MovieChat Forums > From Justin to Kelly (2003) Discussion > High School Musical or FJ2K?

High School Musical or FJ2K?

I wanna see wht u guys think. Both are kiddie musicals. From Justin To Kelly could have been a disney movie. High School Musical could have been a major motion picture. So...
Let's see sum opinions



Both are atrocious.


Justin 2 Kelly was like merchandise. Simply there to make a buck. Which it literally did.

And High School Musical is a banal, cookie-cutter movie filled with songs that don't really push the narrative forward. Just breakaway pop hits.

It's a pretty grim world when I can't even feel superior to a toddler


Whoever said Hilter or Stalin, you've covered my feelings. Although most fans probably don't know who they are.

Why is the rum gone?


i like both

strength in yourself is the greatest strength to have


i like both as well. and i'm not ashamed. and i'm a 21 year old male. boo-yah.



I am a 23 year old mother of two and I am proud to say I liked both of them also. In fact, I just ordered FJ2K. And HSM, I was obsessed (with the movie only I have NO merchandise) I can't even begin to count how many times I watched it.


Alright, I'll give you SOME opinions.
Both were dreadful to watch for their own respected opinions and I don't understand why everyone seems to be so thrilled with High School Musical.

Kindness...A little bit of it goes a very long way.


I love FJ2K but I think HSM is better and its not just cause i like Zac efron its cause i jus tlove the movie all together I didn't start likeing Zac properly after a couple moths of HSM but still love dthe move.

I'm a girl with a shopping addiction!!!!So what deal with it!!!!!



Neither. Both of them are TERRIBLE. Boring, bad singers, etc.

But if i REALLY had to choose one, it would be Highschool Musical. I mean, compared to from Justin to Kelly, Highschool Musical actually looks good.



i like both. from justin to kelly is cool. and so is high school musical. my younger sisters; megan, michaela, taylor and kylie love the high school musical movies

this is way beyond coo coo bananas


both are equal because both are absolutely 100% bloody horrible.



from justin to kelly.
