MovieChat Forums > Live Free or Die Hard (2007) Discussion > Timothy Olyphant was so bad in this

Timothy Olyphant was so bad in this

Talk about a charisma vacuum, which is strange because he's not this uncharismatic in real life. It's like the director instructed him to be as bland and monotonous as possible.


True dat. I came to love the actor in many of his other roles after this and never once did I even realize, "oh, that's the guy from Die Hard?" Totally forgettable!


Agreed. I'm a massive Olyphant fan. Justified is one of my favorite shows. But there is no denying he sucks in this movie. He sucks in this as well as Hitman.

It never made sense because he's played villains before, and played them well i might add


His character is supposed to be socially awkward ya dipstick.


So what? Hannibal Lecter is ‘socially awkward’ yet utterly compelling. Olyphant lacks even the remotest amount of menace in DHINO. The script and his performance are woefully bad, along with the rest of this turd pretending to be a Die Hard film.


You’re comparing a Die Hard movie to a film nominated for an Oscar? That’s in a completely different genre?

When have Die Hard Villains ever been menacing? They’ve always been intelligent men who lead a pack of much more menacing men, those who do all the fighting for them.

Did you even watch the other movies in this franchise? Did Alan Rickman even throw a punch?


You’re comparing a Die Hard movie to a film nominated for an Oscar? That’s in a completely different genre?

Doesn’t matter, they’re both adult thrillers with socially awkward villains who’re supposed to be menacing. Lecter is, Olyphant isn’t. It’s a failure of writing, directing and acting.

When have Die Hard Villains ever been menacing? They’ve always been intelligent men who lead a pack of much more menacing men, those who do all the fighting for them.

All of the villains in the Die Hard Trilogy are menacing to varying degrees, that’s why the films work. Have you seen them?

Did you even watch the other movies in this franchise? Did Alan Rickman even throw a punch?

Did Lecter? Why would a villain need to throw a punch to be menacing? Bizarre point in a bizarre argument.

The fact is that Olyphant’s villain is utter dogshit, precisely because he fails to be remotely menacing, unlike the previous Die Hard villains. That isn’t even a controversial point 🤦🏻‍♂️


The fact that you think Silence of the Lambs is in the same genre as a stupid action movie tells me that I’m interacting with a complete dumbass.

You thought Jeremy Irons was menacing? Lol, and that’s why the movie worked? Good grief kid, none of these villains were ever meant to be menacing nor are they, just dumb popcorn flicks with intelligent scrawny and nerdy villains who don’t know how to throw punches.


The fact that you think Silence of the Lambs is in the same genre as a stupid action movie tells me that I’m interacting with a complete dumbass.

I never said they were in the same genre - that’s a notion that you pulled out of your own ass and attributed to me, you dumb fuck. Also, Die Hard isn’t ‘a stupid action movie’ you tasteless twat, it’s the king of action thrillers.

You thought Jeremy Irons was menacing? Lol, and that’s why the movie worked? Good grief kid, none of these villains were ever meant to be menacing nor are they, just dumb popcorn flicks with intelligent scrawny and nerdy villains who don’t know how to throw punches.

No, you dense fucking retard, the Die Hard Trilogy all feature menacing villains. If they weren’t menacing then the films wouldn’t work. The fact that some aren’t physically imposing is irrelevant - Hans shoots innocent people in the head at point blank range, that’s where his menace stems from. You’re clearly too retarded to watch movies, let alone comment on them.


The Die Hard movies are aimed at teenagers like yourself, the fact that you think these are high art is just a new level of stupid.


No, dickhead. DHINO is aimed at teenyboppers like yourself, the Die Hard Trilogy are R-rated, adult-oriented films. That’s why you can’t stomach or comprehend them.




There were some scenes where he was supposed to be threatening other characters... people who worked for him or trying to intimidate McClane through the phone... it was ridiculous.


It’s especially shit when he captures McClane’s daughter and threatens to blow her head off over the phone unless McClane complies. McClane refuses and Olyphant… does nothing… because McClane’s daughter is covered in thick plot armour.

This terrible writing drains Olyphant of any menace.




Just like how Hans blows the head off of John McClane’s wife in the original…...ohhh wait menacing Daddy didn’t do this…..he was too pussy it turned out……I will take “hypocrisy for $300 Alex”


Fucking idiot. The situations weren’t remotely comparable 🤦🏻‍♂️

Have you watched the Die Hard films?


Agreed. I'm also a big fan of the guy, but he was bland like beige in this movie.


he was OK
to be fair only Hans was a decent villain in the Die Hard franchise


Wrong. Simon and his knife-wielding bitch were great too, and the surprise villain in DH2 was good.






The knife bitch was laughably bad.


Every villain in this franchise is a bad guy. Thats what villains are in these kinds of movies


From what I've seen of his performances he has gotten markedly better inn his craft as time has gone on. At this point he fills the screen, demands the attention of the audience and is able to hold it.


He was pretty menacing in Go back in ‘99.

DHINO just suffers from an atrocious script, and everyone involved should hang their heads in shame. This film was the first turd dropped into the Die Hard well.


I definitely don't agree with this. Timothy was great loooong before this movie.
