And why the hell should I listen to you for a valid opinion, since you seem to speak for the majority!? And why is it wrong to call out films that arguably contain misogynistic themes (unless you're one yourself)?
There's a difference between a song from the '50s (where rightly or wrongly, different societal mores existed), where even if you disagree with what's on the base-level (that it isn't a song about flirtation but date-rape), isn't explicit or down right blatant like a movie from the 2000s that goes out of its way to insult and marginalize women by repeatedly calling them "bitches". You might as well shoot back by saying, "what about stuff like the old James Bond movies" or anything that closely implies sexism or misogyny regardless of its historical context or how "far" it really goes compared to other works.
Isn't Kim Basinger more or less, a giant MacGuffin (like a contrived vehicle or device to move the plot forward), a mousy figure for the bad guys to repeatedly bully and debase, and a pseudo prize for Chris Evans' bravery!?