Is this film being DEEP SIXED in the United States?
I wonder. The book was very controversial when it came out. I just find it incredible that a film with the number of young stars in it as there are -- Sam Riley, Garrett Hedlund, KRISTEN STEWART, KIRSTEN DUNST, AMY ADAMS -- would become _so_ invisible.
I simply don't buy that it's been "marketed poorly" ...
A SINGLE TWEET on Kirsten Stewart's twitter page would make standing room only lines form outside theaters across the country. (All the more so, since she is topless in the film).
Instead, I honestly see conspiracy here. Kristen Stewart is already a star and Garrett Hedlund will become a GENERATIONAL GOD after this film gets finally released.
And yet IMHO there are people who probably prefer posters of "Dick Cheney" in their bedrooms rather than EITHER Stewart of Hedlund who are trying REALLY HARD to keep tens of millions of young people from seeing this film.
And honestly THAT IS WRONG. Yes, it's an R-rated film but COLLEGE AGED KIDS HAVE A RIGHT TO SEE THIS FILM. Because it deals with MORE than "just sex."
Fr. Dennis Kriz, OSM
PS - I've already seen the film and read the book. I've been waiting for the film to FINALLY be released here in Chicago to put up my review of it. Faced with the possibility that the film (despite ALL THOSE STARS) won't be released (generally) in the U.S. at all, I'm going to have to write-up a review before (IF EVER) it comes here. Sigh ...