Stewart performance

I just saw the movie. I wanted to see if Stewart, after the abysmal, recent performances in SNOWHITE and the BREAKING DAWN 1, is still able to improve her acting skills. I was a bit afraid. But she was good in this film. Her role, even if she has a lot of screen time, is not always central and sometimes she hasn't a lot to do.

But she did a decent job here. Not an outstanding performance, but she was good.


If the only movies you have seen Stewart in are the "Twilight" films and "Snow White and the Huntsman", you have no basis to complain about her acting.

The "Twilight" movies are specifically designed to discourage any actual acting or character development. You can't judge any actor by those movies. And "Snow White" stunk because of the overall poor direction and writing. Even Charlize Theron was bad in that movie, and that is quite an achievement, considering that she is one of the best actresses working today.


erm - no... would I have been on this board otherwise?

So please hold on for a second and face the truth: she cant act.

(watch out for: "On the road", the movie with the girl punk band- forgot the title, because it was so random, even "undertow" - where she had like an extras role and was bad in it)


The Kristen Stewart punk band movie you're thinking of may be "The Runaways", a biopic. She played Joan Jett, and was clueless, as usual.

You're right re Kristen Stewart not being able to act. I'm actually amazed she gets roles, she's that bad.

In On The Road, she didn't ruin the movie too much, through her role being quite limited in terms of screen time and depth required. All she had to do was rock up, say a total of about three lines, do a dance, get her kit off a few times and have a few basic love scenes. Even she should be able to do that without screwing up the movie. It's anything involving dialogue, facial expressions and emotional depth and breadth where she struggles...

Like a bird on the wire, like a drunk in a midnight choir, I have tried in my way to be free


She took $200k for the role, finally the pay scale equals & reflects her talent. Her "acting" is always more akin to adolescents hanging around the baseball diamond or bowling alley after school. Always the "girl" with the bunny teeth & open mouth, Kristen always comes off as a jaded, back lot Hollywood spoiled scamp.

Easy to dismiss her because there's no there there


Stewart gave the best performance in the film.


She can't emote. She can deliver lines, but she can't put any emotion behind them. She can't even use her expression or her body language to express emotion.

It's not acting when you are just delivering lines.

"Few people understand the psychology of dealing with a highway traffic cop."
