MovieChat Forums > The Passion of the Christ (2004) Discussion > Buffalo News Jewish movie critic gave th...

Buffalo News Jewish movie critic gave this 1/2 out of 5 stars

I could not believe that The Buffalo News paid for their Jewish movie critic Jeff Simon, to review this movie when it was first released. I had never in my life seen a 1/2-star rating before. (I'm not kidding on the name, go look it up).

Biased much?

I think BN would've been better-served sending a Christian Sports reporter to at least offer an opposing viewpoint. What a farce.


I remember Neil Young had a quote from the old syndicated music program "Rockline" years ago regarding critics. I can't remember it verbatim, but it was something along the lines of, "When you read a review about something, I think you learn more about the critic than you do the performer (or what's being reviewed)." That definitely seems to be the case here! 😃

I saw this movie in the theater twice when it first came out and I think once about 8-10 years ago, when it aired on one of the TV movie channels (back when we had DIRECTV). I'm a Christian, so there is a lot of significance in this movie to me. It's a very well-made and well-acted movie...but it sure is hard to watch. I'm glad I saw it and I might watch it again before I die...I will never forget the first time I watched this, though.


Well of course Simon thought it was all BS, thus giving it the lowest rating possible. I guess I would feel the same way if I was asked to rate a documentary praising the Obama, Biden, or Clinton presidencies.


I understand where you're coming from...but, as you kind of alluded to in your opening post, it was this reviewer's job to review the movie (reviewing it for a paper, so a fair and impartial review, plus it's what he got paid to do). If he couldn't review it fairly or impartially, then I think he's been better off to abstain from reviewing, IMO. Giving the review like he did would have ruined his credibility forever, IMO.


It certainly ruined his credibility for me. I wrote a letter to the Editor of the Buffalo News complaining about him, but they never printed it.


Well yeah, what Jew is going to give a positive review of this? It's all about their power-crazed, out -of-control leaders killing God. You wonder why God just sat there while six million Jews were slaughtered in The Holocaust, here is your answer.


Actually what's most concerning is your perseverating for 19 years over one movie review.

I think some meds would help you at this point.


They had it out for this movie.


It’s so funny how lemmings can’t even try to be objective. Their politics are their religion.
