you think any of this happened?
shareWell, it is kind of proven that Troy existed and that several wars happened.
But we dont know any details beyond that.
However, I like to think that at least the most important characters in "The Illiad" are based on real people.
I think something like this happened but I doubt it would have been caused by something like a queen running off with some prince.
shareWhy not?
If a queen had run off with a prince of another city state, there would be a conflict.
But this movie gives us proof that Agamemnon doesn't care about his brother losing his wife.
He only was interested in having yet another victory in war and showing the Troyans who was the boss.
So it was never only about Paris and Helen.
Define "this".
A war in the history of humans? A city under siege? Large armies clashing together? Wars being decided by 2 people fighting one on one?? pretty much YES, it did, a lot of times during the human history.
or it could be a myth.
shareWhen you ask "any of this" without being more specific then we get into problems.
Wars are NOT myths. Cities under siege are NOT myths.
So for sure there was a war around then and for sure a city was sieged and fall around then.
So some of "this" has happened. Apparently Troy and the Trojan was itself has happened (or as i said at least some war in what it's believed to be the location and in that era) based on archaeological data.
It’s honestly not so crazy when you think about the huge “flight” of wealthy landed families and property from Rome to Constantinople during that city’s decline/fall.