It's sex...

Why do people who have problems with unsimulated sex scenes used for artistic purposes watch the movies? There is a grand canyon gap between pornography and sex for artistic purposes, neither of which should be bashed so arrogantly. If you don't agree with what's being filmed, don't watch it and stop complaining like a mainstream moron. It's so sad that human sexuality makes so many people so uncomfortable. Great works of art have been produced using the same technique (Shortbus for instance). Get over yourselves and go watch The social network.


i haven't seen the movie, but how exactly did the film benefit/how was it furthered "artistically" by the inclusion of real fellatio as opposed to very easily, yet still convincingly simulated fellatio? to me it seems like a ploy for gallo to get a blowjob on the job, probably multiple times.


Because it displays the raw reality, rather than trying to make it simulated for the sake of simulation. Why go out of your way to over complicate something so simple? The action is the same, how does the contact make it worse?


What's wrong with 'The Social Network'? It's a lot more compelling, visually interesting and better acted than this self-indulgent garbage.


Shortbus is garbage. Social Network is likewise awful. Sex or no sex, the quality of a film is unchanged by whether or not it contains graphic sex.

"IMdB; where 14 year olds can act like jaded 40 year old critics...'


Prudish? Give me a break.
I think it's completely ludicrous to desire or expect mainstream actors to randomly have sex with strangers for our entertainment. Why should they even have to..?
The simulated sex scenes look real enough to me..And there's plenty of nudity to go around. Guess those actors have to earn that high salary by constantly living as if they in training..
Then..don't forget.. there is actual porn to fill the gap for you.
Brown Bunny's sex scene was anything but erotic to in the end it just seemed unnecessary. All it did was bring attention to a very bad film. ...


Who said anything about they "have to"? I don't remember hearing that if you want a career in acting then you must consistently accept offers to suck dick on film.
If the actors feel comfortable and don't mind doing it, what is the harm?


I love all this America bashing like any Frenchman would want his daughter blowing and swallowing some guy on film.

And then we have these pimple faced liberal idiots who automatically defend it as fine art. Well even the critics trashed this film and 10X more people watched the BJ clip on the net who actually watched the whole film. So what did that accomplish?

I'm not "uncomfortable" about sex i just have enough intelligence to identify a blow job for what it is. A blow job!!!


And then we have these pimple faced liberal idiots who automatically defend it as fine art."

HA ! yeah its not fine art its not art period its pornography i don't get what goes through the head of some of these actors that agree with doing unsimulated sex on screen . I thought acting meant being able to convincingly make believe that something was real .Can't be much of and actor if you can't simulate something i just feel it goes against everything that acting is supposed to be .Also if movies started having unsimulated sex in them who besides 16 -25 years are going to see the film and take it seriously ? It's very childish to think that this stuff is ok .Adults don't need to see it they know what real sex looks like .Anyone with a brain wouldn't bother with films like this except those "pimple faced espresso swilling french and american liberals "

Quality in art is not merely a matter of personal opinion but to a high degree objectively traceabl


lol @ for atristic purposes.

You have no idea what the word "Artistic" means. If it was for artistic purposes then it should have been shot in a artistic way, not in a pornographic way. The Social Network isnt the type of movie ur brain is mature enough to comprehend, i understand that.


Shortbus was garbage ,porn is unsimulated sex on film how is that being shown in a art film any different >? Art-porn is just a different sub genre of pornography i don't get why people can't see that .Secondly there's if it was so excepted than way is there a division between the porn film industry and the regular film industry ? There is a reason why its separated .None of the sex scenes in this film and in shortbus are artistic ,shortbus orgy scene was just straight out of a porn flick.Oh what because a bunch of hipster tree hugging chodes are doing it ,its all of a sudden ok and artistic ? that's B.S

Quality in art is not merely a matter of personal opinion but to a high degree objectively traceabl


Kid, you wouldn't know quality art if it slapped you in your face. Go watch your Superman movie. That's where you belong. Not in a discussion that requires intellect, taste and class.
