Pandora's BOX!?
Pandora's Box Was Infact A Vase.
You Think They Would Have Researched That Seeing As They Done A Film About It!
Pandora's Box Was Infact A Vase.
You Think They Would Have Researched That Seeing As They Done A Film About It!
Cool. We're did you read that at! I am pretty curious about the story.
sharei don't mean to offend anyone or anything, esp. on an old topic but i think it would be more acceptable if it remains as a box. how do you open a vase? it's symbolically more acceptable among audiences. the whole don't-open-the-box thingy..
sharei forgot to thank you for that little gem of information ;)
shareThat's an interesting piece of trivia, but the audience would have thought the writer screwed up if Lara talked about Pandora's Vase because, rightly or wrongly, the name Pandora's Box has entered our culture. It's similar to everyone celebrating the millennium in 2000 when in fact it didn't occur until 2001. The historical (or in the case of the millennium, mathematical) facts may be incorrect, but in the public opinion, they are correct.
sharewell yes, and also aleksander the great wasn't a greek but a macedonian
shareI don't know anything about that, but I do know that when Pandora opened the 'box', lots of nasty thing get out, so she closed the box and inside remained 'the hope'. So, wouldn't it be logical that when the box is opened again, hope should rise?
Remember it is you, Ichabod Crane, who is now put to the test.
Yeah, but they changed the story, remember? That whole thing about there being that evil stuff in there?
shareThe way it seems they changed the story for whatever reason.
shareWell It Is Hollywood, You Can't Expect Them To Make Anything Remotly Historically Accurate
Did you expect *any* research in a movie as utterly imbecilic as this? It makes "Armageddon" and "The Core" appear convincing... and watchable.
where did you read Pandora's vase exactly, you just simply state it as if you made it up. I've read up on Greek mythology and anywhere I have read it is told as a box or chest. Your "vase" theory could have simply been mistaken as something you saw like art REFERING to or DEPICTING the actual "Pandora's Box"
so all of you who simply agreed with the orginial person who started this topic are quite qullible and didn't bother to question what you read but just accepted it as the truth which is rather sad and silly. have better judgement than that.
Dog: Look, will everyone stop gettin' shot?
Many A Quiz Show I Have Seen When People Are Asked,
"Pandora's Box Wasn't A Box. It Was In Fact A..?"
Whenever Someone Got The Question Wrong, It Was Because They Said "Chest".
When I Person Got The Question Right, It Was Because They Said "Vase".
So It's Not Some "Theory" Of Mine. I'm Not A Bloody Historian.
Read This And It Also Says Pandora's Box Was A Vase
That's preposterous.
Why would it be called Pandora's Box if it was a vase?
You'd reckon if would be called "Pandora's Vase" if that was the case.
Hi friend!
You make a good case there. Although I'm working on a theory that it's all a myth! How about that? I mean seriously, it sounds kind of strange that opening a box would unleash hell. That's really weird, isn't? You can clearly see that they didn't get it to work in the movie, and were forced to turn to special effects. Also, I'm disturbed by the fact that Lara Croft opens the box a little and than closes it. You can't just take a peek on hell like that! Has hell decided a degree which you can open the lid, until it gets out and forever reigns on earth?! All through the movie, everyone is saying "you can't open the box", and that's what she does! If it's opened, it's opened! Does it matter that she closes it?! In that case they should've been saying "don't open the lid a full 90 degrees or you will unleash hell!" instead.
Also what kind of name is Pandora? It sounds made-up!
i am from Greece and i know the myth in the actual form.
Pandora, which is not a made up name but a Greek! Actually is a synthetic name taken from Pan and Dora. Pan means everything while Dora means presents. She was named Pandora because the 12 gods gave her each a present. –Beauty, dresses, jewels, grace. – The myth actually starts with Prometheus. –The man who stole fire from the gods and gave it to humans so they could evolve. Gods created then Pandora –as an Eve- and gave her as a present to his brother Epimetheus. Prometheus had given his brother a vase and asked him to hide it. But as every woman, Pandora had given the gift of curiosity. Once she found the vase, she opened it. Hate, hunger, plague, revenge, madness and all evil and bad were released to the world. She closed it and left behind hope. That goes that hope survived and people could survive all of the above because of hope. That is the actual story. Pandora was never given a box from the Gods –as is told in the movie- and it surly wasn’t in Egypt. The connected the cradle of life –a real place in Africa where the eldest human skeleton has being found and it is believed that human civilization begun there. - With Greek mythology. I hate the writer! If I had him right here I’d kill him! he is *beep*'s a movie based on a video game. Do you REALLY think they care about all that factual crap? Because nobody watching the movie cares. Except losers like you
share*beep* you! i really liked this movie and i didn't think for a minute about the actual myth. i just wanted to help in the forum *beep* stupid people like you to learn something!
shareYou're pretty good at namecalling, but not so good at reading for comprehension. smakris didn't say anything is "factual", but gave us the original Pandora MYTH. You do know what a myth is, right?
"The value of an idea has nothing to do with the honesty of the man expressing it."--Oscar Wilde
OF COURSE it's a myth! It's symbolic, the "box" is like our desires or something abstract like that and if you succumb you'll bring doom to your life but there's always hope in the end as you can "close the box".
Seriously, vase, box, whatever. It's not like Goldilocks and the three bears are real either. It's a moral story!
The box was actually a jar, and she/it was a gift/curse from Zeus that would unleash all the ailments of the world, and she did, and when she closed it all that remained was Hope. Pandora means All Gifted, because she was beautiful, musical, and persuasion, and so on.
Dear me! What is that unpleasant aroma? I fear the sewer may have backed up during the night.
good ole discusses everything aforementioned, including the Vase controversy.
my take is box shouldn't be opened because only thing remaining is Hope, and opening box would cause Hope to escape, and mankind would lose the last thing it had. Pandora herself cracked open the box a second time and a little more Hope escaped.
Or evil was unleashed -- a reverse interpretation -- but same result.
Whatever, I agree, Lara Croft should not have opened it at all -- that was the whole basis for the moral of the story -- as tempting as it may be, don't open Pandora's ....
by the way, Wikipedia is a great info reference site -- no pop-ups, ads or cookies
True Metalhead, you're an f'ing idiot