You cannot expect society's lowest common denominators who are trained to be killing machine animals to have the power of cognition. They're rote robots trained for specific purposes, not for rational, individualistic thought.
Prejudice will always exist in the military until the humans who fight wars are replaced by robots.
Then Skynet will realise that all humans are prone to prejudice and our irrational, non-linear and small minded distrust, fear, hatred and apathy in some cases towards others of our species makes us so dangerous that the only answer is extermination.
Is this debate something that unique to the US army?
Remember when black people couldn't fight, they could cook, they could clean, wash up after the white boys maybe. Then Uncle Sam pulled his head out of his sphincter and realised that we all bleed red blood and a brother (or sister) in battle is about crucial as it gets regardless...
I've been a signaler in the British Royal Signal Corps (I left in 2000 so it was a while ago) we had gay, straight male and female soldiers it didn't matter. We didn't care, we ultimately cared about the individual. Do they do their job right? Can you look to your left or right in a crisis and depend on that individual to fall in, hold the line and watch your back? Because if the answer is simply yes then why the *beep* does anything else even matter?
I am female. I am bisexual and I never.... NEVER suffered any harassment or negativity ever. I honestly believe that the US suffers because your country still follows the Bible a little too closely when governing laws, regulations and morality and apparently the Bible says gays are evil - If that is in fact the case I'll see you guys in hell I guess
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