MovieChat Forums > Carnivàle (2003) Discussion > Other great modern television epics?

Other great modern television epics?

Carnivale is perhaps some of the greatest epic storytelling I have seen on screen in some years. Great story, great characters, and a beautiful, haunting atmosphere. I haven't been able to find a series that has kept me as entranced since.
While I love historical epics (Rome, etc.), I'm also looking for something a little surreal or fantastical. I liked (but not loved) Twin Peaks up to a point, but around the second season of the series it devolved into irrelevant, barely watchable filler and I had to give up on it.
Any recommendations?

I am a false prophet and God is a superstition!


SUPERNATURAL! Now that`s a great tv!

I`m the cat who walks alone & all places are alike to me!



"The Sopranos" has, pretty much since the year it started, been my one and only. The absolutely best-written series I've ever had the pleasure of falling into. It's just the funniest, saddest, most intense, most challenging, most clever, most thought-provoking, and most realistic - all rolled into one.

I couldn't possibly think of another show that feels more like "real-life", with all the ups and downs that entails. Never has a show pulled such an intense emotional reaction out of me - and it's a wide range of emotions touched upon, too.

At least most realistic isn't true. Check out "The Wire" if you haven't and let us know if you still consider "The Sopranos" to be the most realistic show you know.


Point Pleasant was a very entertaining show. Had similar themes to Carnivale. Not nearly as brilliant as Carnivale, but still very enjoyable. I would recommend that.


Funnily enough Police officers in New Jersey said the dialogue and some of the situations in the Sopranos were so realistic that they thought David Chase had been given access to all their surveillance and intelligence.



I'm shocked that Breaking Bad hasn't been mentioned in this thread. One of the best shows to come out of the last decade.


Battlestar Galactica is outstanding (at least for the first 2 seasons) and relies heavily on mythology.

I'm shocked that Breaking Bad hasn't been mentioned in this thread.

Currently my favorite show on television.

My other favorite dramas...

The Wire
The West Wing
The Shield (currently watching)

"Quick impression for you: Caw! Caw! Bang! F^ck, i'm dead!"


Babylon 5, the absolute greatest show of all time. Those who says the first season sucks need to be slapped around a good bit.

X Files is phenomenal, but falls apart.

The Fugutive is great as well (the 60s series).


Loved Babylon 5 - second only to Carnivale.


Terminator : The Sarah Connor Chronicles

( Probably my personal favorite series ever )
Was not expected, came out of nowhere with how intelligent and character driven it is.
Epic, everything is connected, in that there are details that most people won't notice or seems to be what dumb people would think to be "filler" . It was a four season story that was planned out by Josh Friedman, unfortunately it was canceled after two seasons much like Carnivale.

I am absolutely shattered and will fight for the last two seasons to be brought back with Josh Friedman helming and finishing his story. There are spoilers for Season 3 and you can see the parallel themes in the story that would have been.

TSCC, eh? For a sci-fi television series, the actual science on the show is quite laughable. I'm a big-time Terminator fan(read the scripts/comics/novels/etc) but even I had a hard time taking the show seriously after the forward jumps in time and the multiple Terminators running around. The production value is surprisingly decent and the acting is solid enough but I just couldn't bring myself to accept the ridiculous plot elements. I don't consider anything after T2 canon anyways.


Here are some shows that I consider to be or have been great REGARDLESS THEIR CURRENT STATE OR FINALE:
- Mad Men (this may be the closest thing I could find to Carnivale, minus the paranormal stuff, the rest of the story is as convoluted and you find about new stuff in every episode)
- Dexter
- Breaking Bad
- Lost (crybabies, please let the user decide for himself whether he likes it or not - I hated the finale myself, but the show was majestic)
- Rubicon (cancelled too, and after the first season, but that show was intense and intriguing)

- Rescue Me (even though it is a comedy/tragedy, the story does get *beep* up a lotta times, it's just not as much as a classic like the rest, but it has left my open-mouth a couple of times)


i cant say i really loved this show, but many do love it

game o thrones will suit you the best..... it has many characters, it is an historical epic yet built on some kind of a fantasy world.
ill probably watch it sometime.... but i am about to finish carnivale and there is a new show coming called awake that will be epic..... so maybe after.... but you go for it....
oh i almost forgot..... lost is very similiar to carnivale


From the NOW, I'd say tune into American Horror Story and Walking Dead. American Horror Story is an anthology series you can't get attached to characters or storylines.

From the PAST, I can't disagree with Farscape. Great series. Battlestar Galactica will keep you glued to your tv or computer/tablet too. I'm surprised no one mentioned Lexx. It was goofy, nonsensical, and stupid...yet strangely engaging.


Game of Thrones
Deep Space Nine
Pillars of the Earth
Mists of Avalon
American Horror Story
Heroes (season 1 only)
The 4400

Global Warming, it's a personal decision innit? - Nigel Tufnel


The Sisko approves. Game of Thrones, DS9, BSG, Heroes season 1 only haha, yes to that. I just finished this show, I'm so sad that it didn't get another season or movie or something. Lost was also great except it went on one season too many.


"Other great modern television epics?" HBO's True Detective (2014).
