MovieChat Forums > Radio (2003) Discussion > this made me cry :(

this made me cry :(

for some reason all movies that has a mentally disabled person makes me im pathetic


I cried so much too! That's not pathetic at's really an amazing story and it deeply touched me. It's one of my favorite movies,because of the values in it. Nowadays, it seems that most people are so self-centered and selfish, and to see what coach Jones did and still does for Radio is very moving.


Mostly I don't like mental or almost mental but Radio is the first. I feel poor for the real Radio the part when his mother died. It was sad also becuse he was holding up the magazine and said that his mother is in the picture but not with him out in real life. Just imagine that to you. :(


It made me cry when Coach Jones and Mary Helen went to see Radio after his mom died. Cuba Gooding Jr. was brilliant. It also made me cry when Radio gave Johnny the radio, because after all that he did to him, Radio still forgave him.

I loved this movie! I usually don't like football movies but I wanted to give it a try because of Ed Harris' role in it (I loves me some Ed Harris!), but after I saw it then I realized that it wasn't just about football, it was about so much more and I loved it.


Made you cry...let me tell you, I am a 37 year old man who is generally a macho guy and this move got me sobbing not crying! A story that as exactly as one scene portray is - ...wish we treat one another at least partially as good as Radio is treating all of us! (a point that unfortunately can't get in peoples heads now days)


I used to work at a movie theater and it was odd how many people left the theater crying. I'm not much of a cryer, but that part when he lost his mom, it did kinda tug at the tear ducts a lil, I'll be honest.

"To say never say never, you done said never twice" Common and Mos Def


Trust me, you are not pathetic. I'm only a 15 year old girl and cried a river during this movie. I think it was a really great movie. :)



I cried when his mother died.


Me, too! I BAWLED. And that was the first time I cried at a movie in the theater....and I didn't try to cover it up and make it all quiet like most people do; I was blubbering so much people were turning to stare, even if they were crying themselves. I love Radio. He's awesome, tha's the truth, Coach Jones! :)



My sister has a severe learning disability, and I cried so much I made myself sick. If you like this movie, you'll probably also like "Riding the Bus with my Sister" with Rosie O'Donnell.

This movie also reminds me of a goes something like this: "The only way to judge a nation is how it care for those who cannot care for themselves."

"Tumors are good for brains. They make them grow big and strong."



Aw I think it's cool that everybody cried. Radio's like, the happiest person on the planet though. I got to T.L. Hanna and we got midterms today and he was going up to everyone in gym showing them what he got on his midterms because he was just soooo excited that he got all A's! it was soo cute but he loves his movie too and i bet he would feel sorry for everybody that cried because of his life lol he's so sweet

//Gotta Keep\\ *ONE* ((Jump)) .:AHEAD:.


This movie also made me cry, not a full on sob, but more like a few tears coming down my face. Powerful film, spoke to my soul.


I cried with tears of thankfulness when this garbage movie was over. It's the hardest I've ever cried in my life. The awful over the top drama, the pathetic plot line. Tagline was that "His courage made them champions"? Is that a joke? They became champions from lots of practice, not from a learning disabled guy who hung around town. This movie bugged the hell out of me, it was trying way too hard to try and get people emotional, that seemed to be it's only goal. Don't get me wrong, I'm a fan of any emotional movie and have gotten teared up in a few, but this one was to the extreme. It seemed that almost every scene was a pathetic attempt to make the audience say "awww" or feel even worse for radio, so they could have some pathetic victory for him at the end.


I know that this isn't what a normal person would cry at, but I cryed (it was the second time I watched it) when it was the end of the football season and Radio was sitting there with his mother on the bed and she asked for a hug, and he gave her a sorry excuse for a hug (if I do say so myself!) and she said something along the lines of "What was that boy? I want me a hug" and he hugged her and she said "Always there for you". OK, I didn't cry immmediatly, but my friend and I were discussing the movie and we talked about that and thought about it... and by the end of the conversation, we were hugging eachother and bawling our eyes out! I don't know why, but it struck me as very sad and touching... can't really explain it though. It's a girl thing, I guess!

"You can't get spoiled if you do your own ironing.”- Meryl Streep-


i know this movie is so sad..i have the DVD..but i live in anderson where he still goes to TL HANNA high school (my sister goes there and is a varsity there) and my mom told me that RIGHT after they finished making the movie, radio's house burned down
but don't worry, he isn't homeless lol of course.. i think he is living with coach parker
but anyways.. if any of u guys need information of radio, or video recording from our digital camera of him cheering at the hanna games, feel free to email me at [email protected] my name is lalaine


the parts that made me cry were whenradio's mom dies, the footbal team locked radio in the shed, and a few other seens.


omg same here, When his mom dies, and when the football team locked him in the shed, and I dont know why but when Radio gave whats-that-dudes-name a letter and a radio. I am so sensitive. there were other parts too but I cant recall right now.

Love Me Tender, Love Me Sweet
WTF! Just Love ME already!•·.·´¯`·.·•


I just saw this movie for the first time and it made me cry more than any movie that i've ever seen in my life. The relationship between Radio and Coach Jones is something of beauty that we can all learn from. I cried the most at the end when they showed the real footage of Radio coaching and running onto the field and his enthusiasm. It really brought the story to life for me.

