No kissing
Ok, I have a question. Is it normal in Korea to be going out for 4+ months, calling yourselves girlfriend and boyfriend, and still not kiss once, let alone do anything else? What kind of definition of girlfriend/boyfriend is that? It's no different from just being friends.
I find it very hard to believe that a guy would be willing to go through all that abuse from his girlfriend if she wouldn't even let him kiss her.
It actually somewhat hurt the movie for me, it's supposed to be romantic but it never really got there.
Another romantic movie without kissing is Kitano Takeshi's A Scene at the Sea. But that's such a minimalist movie, only a few scenes are shown - so it's entirely possible that they did kiss when they were alone (since it's often not usual to kiss in public in Japan). But in My Sassy Girl it's apparent that they never did kiss.