The character of Neil: a little contrived?
In the second series, Neil obviously represents everything that Brent believes himself to be. Neil is good looking and popular with his staff, he can have a laugh with his staff yet keep them highly motivated. His staff respect him and he knows how to set high expectations without getting their backs up. Unfortunately, I think that in order to make Neil fit this "everything Brent wants to be" mould, the character was inconsistent. In particular, his relationship with Chris Finch. Neil is shown to have exactly the sort of camaraderie with Finch that Brent imagines he has. We know, as the audience, that Finch bullies Brent, and that he has no respect for him. I don't think Neil's interactions with Finch are consistent with everything else we see about him. He suddenly becomes comfortable engaging in sexist banter with Finch at an office party, the kind of behaviour he would give Brent a telling off for. Is this an inconsistency just to contrive Neil to be everything Brent wants to be, or is it showing that Neil is actually just a bit of a wanker underneath it all?