The Shield > The Wire

by a tenfold. I watched that krap (the wire) a while ago and I cannot express in words how sorry I am for the time I'm never going to get back - the most overrated show in the history of TV shows.
This however, is a trip. A good one. Just about to finish season one and so far it got me by the balls. Will keep watching.
Y'all have a good one!





The Wire Season 1 and 4 is some of the best TV around. Season 3 was also pretty damn good. But Seasons 2 and 5 were both kind of rough.

The Shield was amazing TV from start to finish. This and Breaking Bad IMO were the only two shows to be great from start to finish, a rare feat.

The Wire is a solid show, but it's the Shield by a landslide


The wire was good the 1st season then I slowly lost interest, the shield was better , I don't get the fascination with the wire tbh
