When did Scrubs go sour for you (if ever)?
Looking around the internet, I've noticed a lot of varying opinions of when this show started to go downhill. So... when do you personally think the show started to take a dive in quality?
shareLooking around the internet, I've noticed a lot of varying opinions of when this show started to go downhill. So... when do you personally think the show started to take a dive in quality?
shareI think it struggled for some time after the end of Season 3 when they had to move away from JD and Elliot and chose to focus on Carla and Turk instead.
shareJanitor's wedding, he was suppose to be mysterious and a little psychotic(squirrel army), but the fact he found happiness that easily kinda made me feel like uhh ruined character.
sharePart of season 7 and 8 where they had some of the lead characters not be in as many episodes to save money. Plus, I always hated JD's beard in season 8.
shareUh the janitor wedding episode was only 3 episodes before the finale...so you're saying the show didn't go sour until it was basically over.
shareSeason 7 was worst, then when ABC picked up 8 there was a little more energy. I personally liked the interns season.
shareSeason 6 and 7. I skip the entire Kim arc altogether now, because while i dislike JD what that woman did to him was appalling.
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shareI can't quite recall the season, it's all become a blur, but I want to say my brother and I have agreed that around season 5 it just wasn't the same any more. Basically at whatever point the characters became extreme caricatures of their former selves - I mean, yes, they were always largely surreal people, but the prime example for me is JD. He started out as an awkward, nerdy, "newbie," who had his quirks, but was otherwise a fairly normal guy (who admittedly wore a onesie to bed...) Over time though his personality traits became even more exaggerated; the jokes acknowledging his penchant for daydreaming began to define him and make him into a character who wasn't all there. Eventually it got to the point where JD almost seemed to be two different characters; a competent doctor, who had been practicing medicine long enough to know what he was doing; and a perpetual, effeminate man-child who any sensible person would probably not want to even give change to on the street, for fear he'd follow you home, much less want to consult for health problems.
Overall it still stands in my mind as a good show, with a lot of great moments throughout it's run; and it's probably been far too long since I watched a full episode. Besides the degradation of characters, there were some missteps - I rather liked Kim. I liked her dynamic with JD and I liked the idea of them having a kid together, so I didn't like how they ended things between them; especially since it gave way to Elliot and JD being together, which I also didn't like. I also thought the pseudo-spin-off with the new batch of med students was actually good and not given the proper chance to stand on it's own two feet.
Abrams' Star Trek - Why eat a hamburger, when you can eat a piece of cardboard that looks like one?
Turk started out as a cool guy that was comfortable with having a best friend and being in love with a woman. Somehow he turned highly emasculated with his "bro-love" and bitchy wife in charge of him. I'm not actually calling Carla a bitch, I like Carla. But when did relationships on TV stop being about a team and start being about "women wear the pants"? I mean, who asks permission to fart?
Elliot started out awkward and nerdy as well (except for the pilot when they weren't sure about her character). Then she turned into another pretty, neurotic girl obsessed with looks and sex. I could relate to old Elliot.
Jordon was a strong woman who was scared to be vulnerable. Then she turned into a heartless bitch who cut her husband at night.
I was disappointed when the original characters changed so unrecognizable. I liked the interns season because we started with a new set of characters who I was able to judge separately. I liked all the seasons but the later ones are weaker because they did become caricatures and the show went from laugh out loud funny and relatable to mildly amusing and excessively silly.
See now I liked how they over-caricaturized the characters in about seasons 4-6 because they ultimately brought them around to be more realistic and grounded in the last 2 seasons and went out with a great finale.
Just wish ABC/Disney didn't keep separating show/season finales that originally aired as one episode - did it with Lost, too, and it completely ruins the flow of those episodes!
I don't know if you're aware of this but I've already changed things. I killed Ben Linus.
When a show goes for too long it can get stagnant. Thats just life playing out. My main reason for commenting though was the fact that you have 'stargazer' in your screen name and the comment on abrams version of Trek. Sometimes it seems like Im the ONLY person that hated those new movies and the new design of the Enterprise. :(
R E S I S T A N C E IS F U T I L E !
Nah, Kuma, I don't like them either. In fact, the entire TOS IMDB board hates those movies with a passion!
Obey My Dog! -Mugatu
Now that I'm watching the series again on Netflix, it started going down midway through 5.
shareI always lose interest in season 5 at My Big Bird. It didn't help that they had JD stuffed into a backpack early in that season. It still had its moments, though, like the whole arc in My Lunch and the Wizard of Oz episode My Way Home. Season 6 with the musical episode and My Long Good-Bye was okay too. I actually liked most of season 7, and I thought that season 8 picked up close to its prime.
shareI agree....thought not like it's heyday, I was fairly impressed with the turnaround in season 8. A little more back to the core of the show (as much as you could at that point).
shareI felt there were some bad or uninteresting episodes during the latter part of the series from time to time but with season's 1-8 overall it was pretty good. The series finale was the best in TV history IMO.
I don't count "season 9" of scrubs it was really a spin off - Scrubs: Med School. I think if they treated it like the spin-off it was it could have had a better chance of succeeding.
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For me, the show started to go down hill at the Kim story arc. They introduce her character and get her pregnant in the course of only like three episodes, so there was never time to develop that relationship so that we really feel the consequences of her getting pregnant and moving--not to mention that after she does give birth, the baby becomes an almost irrelevant part of the series.
There were still great episodes after that arc, but the overall average started to trend downwards. Season 9 was the deathblow for the show, not because it was bad, but because it was so obviously unrelated.