I know he was evil and deserved it, but...
Did anybody else 'feel' for him when he was being prepped for the chair?
shareDid anybody else 'feel' for him when he was being prepped for the chair?
shareWell, i don't agree with the death penalty. I don't think the state should have the power to kill anyone regardless of what he/she has done... However... if you're asking did i feel sorry for Ted Bundy in that scene, the answer is no - well, the long answer is fu#* no!! I actually got some sadistic enjoyment out of that scene, actually because i HATED him. Again, i'm sure that was the filmmakers intention. I don't think he should have been executed, i think he should have been forced to live out the rest of his life in prison until he rots. I tell you who i felt sorry for: the female characters in the film.
shareAfter reading some comments I started debating with myself about the Death Penalty...Again. While watching that scene I thought that we don't have the right to take ANYONE'S life, regardless. But, I was talking about the subject with my cousin yeterday. He reminded me that prisoners are financially supported by the people who pay taxes. Also, there are some people (Like Bundy, for instance) who cannot be around other people. Mainly because they cannot control their actions. Also, remember that prisons could get too crowded if the DP didn't exist.
I know most of these points I mention are not an excuse for the DP. But it has its "advantages". God forgive me for what I wrote before. But sometimes, it is true.
All you aspired to do was endure.
shareLet me tell you why we need the death penalty.
Go watch a bunch of serial killer documentaries. Then see how many (way TOO many) of those animals killed or raped someone, were put in jail, only to be released and do it all over again. Thousands of people have been brutally murdered because the idiot justice system can't keep these people locked up.
If our justice system could keep rapists and killers behind bars for life, THEN maybe we could talk about doing away with the death penalty.
But child rapists and murderers are released early all the time, and plenty of them do it again. That should never happen. EVER. Kill or rape, and you should be done. Never free again.
At least we know the ones that get the death penalty sure as hell aren't going to hurt another innocent person.
Plus, there's the whole thing about how much it costs taxpayers to keep piece of trash murderers alive for 20, 30, etc years.
So, I say "show me you can keep trash locked up and protect the innocent, then lets think about doing away with the death penalty"
...and if you think jail is "so terrible", you're just a plain idiot.
Compared to what murderers truly deserve, jail might as well be a vacation home.
Yes. Just because I want justice to be served doesn't mean I'll feel something positive when watching an evil human being suffer.
shareOne of the few things I liked in this movie was they explaining what a psicopata is and he saying he doesn't feel sympaty for people but he's still human.
He made so many people suffer, and he flet twice. He had to die, and a bit of pain before it won't do bad for him.
No he was an evil cold hearted bastard. I was glad to see him die. He died with more dignity and with less trauma than any of his many victims. Have sympathy for the victims not the monster who killed them.
Blessed is he who has not seen and yet has faith.
Nope. He deserved all that.
shareHe was evil and deserved it. There is no "but...".
shareNo, sorry.