Plenty of great suggestions here, but I'd like to suggest something a little out of left field: "Joe Vs The Volcano".
No really, give it a try! Though it branches off into its very own brand of absurdity, the surrealism of the first half of the film is, in my opinion, very similar to that of "Punch Drunk Love". It is a visceral atmospheric connection that occurred to me in the theater while watching "PDL", I suppose spurred on by the opening scenes of someone trapped in the ridiculous automation of humdum consumerism, and a nonsensical one-sided telephone conversation. The phone call was really the clincher for me - as a huge fan of the largely unseen "Joe", I've noodled with the idea of how cool it would be to make another film that starts off with the other end of Waturi's conversation. You'll know what I'm talking about if you give "Joe" a try, but suffice it to say that upon seeing how "PDL" started, my jaw dropped as suddenly it seemed that someone had actually done this! It's not of course, but for me it's close enough to tie the two films together. Check it out!
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