MovieChat Forums > The Time Machine (2002) Discussion > Where would you go to if the Machine was...

Where would you go to if the Machine was real?

What period in time? You could never return to your own time either.

Me... I'd either go to the Victorian age, 'cause I'm a steampunk fan, or the Renaissance. I could be like the Yankee in A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court.

You know what I hate? People who take certain films seriously.


I might try to go back in time at least one hundred years. Possibly more likely two thousand years or more. I might not want to have so much technology in my life. I might not want to depend so much on technology, I might not want to use technology inappropriately, I might want to go to "Latium" (Italian-Italy, French-France, however, Latin-Latium) in order to learn Latin, et cetera. I might want to learn wilderness survival skills like in "Crocodile Dundee" trilogy, I might want to learn how to farm with more primitive techniques, et cetera.



Not of Eric Van Dannakin is right...



I was making a joke. Don't take things too seriously on IMDb. For frther proof, read what the Atheists say on the Religion forum. The difference is they actually mean their asinine arguents to sound reasonable and logical.



Except King Arthur lived in the Early Middle Ages, not the Renesaunce...

That said, I love the Victorian Era clothing, style, and manners, so I'd definitley visit then. Then perhaps 100 yers earlier and try to prevent the American and French Revolutions and the so-called Enlightenment. I mean, I know it sounds terrible of me but, I dont htink of the Enlightenemnt as Enlightening. The French Revolution was a bloodbath soaked Tyranny, and France was much better under the King, and America had no legitimate comlaints for breakign away.

The go visit soem Dinosaurs in the three grat Dinosaurian Ages, the Triasic, Jurrasic, and Cretacious. Or watch Jesus on the Cross.

So many events to witness.


I'd love to know how the Egyptian pyramids were actually built.


A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court was in part a satire of knightly chivalric martial romanticism that had inspired so many idealistic young men to be killed and mutilated upon encountering the hard reality of modern warfare during the American Civil War. Twain died in 1910 before the ultimate martial romantic disaster that was WWI (the Great War).

"The right to buy weapons is the right to be free." - A.E. Van Vogt



Going back 2000 years ago, kidnap Jesus and then I will replace him because I have fancy futuristic technology, everyone will believe me I'm the son of God. And then I will place the real jesus on the cross so it looks like I sacrificed myself. Then do the same thing with the other religions.


I would go back a few years and invent the Snuggie. It takes zero technical skill and I would enjoy my retirement. Maybe make a few bets.

I think most people that say they would go to the distant past would be miserable within 24 hours. The stench alone from any human settlement would be unbearable. The food might kill your soft future body that is accustomed to FDA regulations and clean water. Pretty much every romantic interest you had would have disgusting hygiene by our standards. Worst of all, for me at least, I would be BORED out of my mind. No recorded music to listen to. EVER. No printing press means very few books to read. Like to travel? Good luck. A trip of a few hundred miles was often a one-way journey since travel was such a hardship. That is assuming you could even navigate hundreds of miles of desolate wilderness and keep from getting too cold or hot while finding enough food that won't make you sick. The racist and sexist ways of the past would also be extremely frustrating to tolerate. You get sick? Good luck. Makes me think of some horrible situations from the John Adams series and the late 18th century had many advances compared to a couple of hundred years before.


geez, Mr. Bring Downer, thanks a lot. I was talking about the good things, you silly knnnnnnnnnnnight. that's from Monty Python and the Holy Grail, in case you were wondering.

You know what I hate? People who take certain films seriously.


I too am surprised by all the people saying they would want to go into the past. I would go into the future! See what kind of strides in technology and science the human race is able to make.


I'd go to germany in the 1920's and join a certain political party.

"You're a *beep* ugly bitch, I want to stab you to death then play around with your blood."


I'd go back to save the life of my friend who was murdered by her ex in April 2009


sorry to hear that. /c=

You know what I hate? People who take certain films seriously.



You think overpopulation is a problem now? Imagine if the people who died because of the conflicts caused by the religious differences and the 60 million who died in WWII had survived and procreated.

Regardless, humans being humans, there'd have been something to muck everything up. Marx, for example, and the adherents to his ideas.

This will be the high point of my day; it's all downhill from here.


Don't you mean when?
