Would never happen..

I know some baseball scouts sign players only because they can throw 98 99 but no tryout would only consist of scouts only requiring the pitcher to show them their fastball...any real life senerio the scouts would want to see the pitchers breaking ball..change up...slider..ect....I'm not saying its untrue that they wouldn't sign him if he didn't have good secondary pitches but they would at least ask to see them


"Would never happen.."

Except that it did really happen.


Vader: I find your lack of faith disturbing.
Tarkin: Enough of this! Vader, release him!


How much attention did the OPP pay to the movie considering it said "based on a true story" right at the start of it! LOL!

real human being and a real hero


To be fair, "based on a true story" does not mean that the story being told is necessarily true since it's not uncommon for films to take creative liberties. But still, the OP could have done a simple Google search and verified the facts for himself.


Lol! 2 words: true story


I'm not into baseball, nor any sports. I watched this because I like Dennis Quaid. I thought the story was fiction and also thought "it would never happen" but that it would be a nice, feel-good movie.

Just because someone doesn't know, going in, that it is based on a true story is no reason for you all to be skanks about it. Reasonable assumption if you don't follow the sport. When they had the statement at the end and it said that Morris pitched for two years, I was surprised and set about to finding out if it actually was true or if even that statement was fiction. Sometimes they do that in fiction movies. So lighten up, peeps.

But super cool that it was true!

Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog it is too dark to read--Groucho Marx.


I'd say you'd be right about 99% of the time. But when you're throwin' 98, I'm not sure that ain't enough. Particularly for a reliever.
