Yep, jumped the shark

I'm not a hater, the show is almost worth watching but Larry lost his timing sometime during his 5 year break. Still, it's not Clear History bad!


Ah no, really?? I haven't seen it yet but maybe it'll pick up steam with the later episodes


Have you watched yet?
Its really good
Lots of fun regulars pop in...
Good stupid stuff like the 'old' days


So I finally got the DVD and binge watched. I thought it wasn't bad at all. The uber bits, fatwa plot, and any scene with Marty Funkman were gold.

Don't know wha the hate is about.. lol


Average people with internet access do seem to immediately become expert critics lol!

Good to see you, been a while bobby


Personally the first few episodes of Season 5 are the weakest for me.. before the Lewis kidney plot kicks in. Otherwise Curb is epic af


It's bizarre - they're trying too hard, the acting is hammy, and all subtlety has been abandoned.


I’m not sure you know what jumped the shark means....


Goggle it. Has to do with happy days.


Yeah i know what it means, the OP is using it wrongly.


I've said it before, I thought it jumped the shark in Season 9, and Season 10 did not redeem. The main problem is that Larry has become unlikeable. He may have always been a complainer of kvetcher or whatever you want to call it but he was still likeable. And the things he was calling out were things we could relate to, like someone getting too many free samples and holding up a line.

But now he is just a jerk, and the things are mostly rich man problems.


The lowest point for me was when LD, Leon and Jeff chipped their teeth and were speaking 'Spanish' that was desperately unfunny and not fitting with the earlier seasons

I was re watching 10 yesterday and got a head ache after a few with the repetitive contrived situations

Best score of all time though so i covers up a lot of the cracks


Maybe the lowest point for me (off the top of my head) is when he was asking a bi-racial couple who were expecting a child what color they want the kid to be. Reminds me now of Meghan Markle's allegations.

I'm no prude when it comes to ethnic humor but what Larry said was truly awful, he wouldn't drop it, and was such an incredible jerk. From the Season 10 finale.


He's always been like that. I don't see much difference. I just happened to see this because for want of anything to watch last night I happened to see Curb and watched some stuff from season 1 I think it was. The one where Larry sprained his finger and was going to the doctor, and got into a fight in the hallway with the fat girls who got to go ahead of him in line both times from sheer luck. And then also his lack of having change at the parking lot, and giving money to the parking attendants to give to the other attendants. Every bit as a-holish as anything later on. I think you have to be in the right mood to watch Curb because sometimes it just makes me mad and other times I am rolling on the floor ... about the same episode.


Yeah Curb will have moments that are better than anything else on tv, but the formula of the show does get a bit samey if you go on a binge like i did

And the 'pivot' of an episode that hinges on an interaction which pisses Larry off are sometime way too contrived and just would never happen
Him being rude in his manner is rare but still believable but some of his adversaries come off way too far fetched

Its nitpicking but it's lazy writing


"Maybe the lowest point for me (off the top of my head) is when he was asking a bi-racial couple who were expecting a child what color they want the kid to be."

The part of the concept of this show always has been 'Larry says things we all WANT to, but can't say', in my opinion. Things we all WONDER in our minds, but would NEVER, ever dare say out loud in any way.

I mean, in the end, they are not a big deal - who cares what kind of texture or color your car has, or what brand stereo it has. A physical body is not that important, it IS temporary, after all. It's just SAD how this world treats people differently based on their physical body. A bus driver will 99% of the time stop so the door is exactly where the woman stands, so the poor thing doesn't have to walk even 1 cm in any other direction but forward, regardless of all the other factories.

She could be the most evil female dog in the Universe, but the bus driver simps for her because of her body.

The same way, black people have privileges, rights and abilities and status - immediate 'victim status' because 'historic slavery', that white people can't even dream of. And yet it's just a body, it could be the same soul that lived a full incarnation in a 'white body', that is now celebrated as a 'victim' and gets affirmative action JUST because of the body.

Of course the whole 'shade' thing is even more irrelevant - who cares what shade the skin is, THAT is not going to give someone privileges or take them away from them. I mean, if you are classified as 'white', you can never be a victim (at least if your body is a heterosexual male), even if your skin is technically darker than someone, whose body is classified as 'black', and who absolutely has that and many other statuses, and even the right to say words the other human being is not allowed to say..'s CRAZY, how much the physical body matters in a world that is supposedly ALL about equality and against prejudice based on the physical body.


Every season has its dips and peaks, I don't think this show ever fully jumped the shark, there's still good stuff there, but sometimes it's a bit boring, samey, formulaic and predictable, sometimes a bit too cringy, sometimes REALLY unrealistic, sometimes it's shocking how much Larry just starts insulting someone or something for no reason (the Romanian Uber driver's country and that country's women - like, what? Why? Every country has monsters and beauties, so what? Not worth such tirade!)

It's what it always was - a bit absurd, a bit comedic, sometimes hilarious, sometimes boring - it fluctuates A LOT, like always - it goes from entertaining to hilarious to boring and back a lot, there are 'gem moments', there are 'I will never watch THAT again'-moments, but for the most part, it's just what it always was. If you can stomach the first four seasons, you know what you are in for for the rest.
